
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Weekend happenings

It's worth saying it again - I absolutely love this new way I learned to do appliqué. (If you didn't read my post about this method check out the third tutorial listed on my left side bar.) I'm sure I'm taking less time with each block than before, and I can see for this method much better with these aging eyes.

Today I prepped the February and March "blocks" for Jan Patek's 2009 mystery quilt. They aren't actually blocks - instead they are four triangles that will set the center block on point. Here's another appliqué hint for you. Notice I've not yet cut the square into triangles. I will do that after I finish the appliqué. That will avoid the chance of stretching that long bias edge during the appliqué. As long as you fold the square diagonally, and can visualize a 1/4" seam allowance on each side of that line, you should have no trouble placing your appliqué pieces correctly. Jan's already posted the April block on her website, so I imagine that one will come in the mail soon. I'm determined to be caught up by the end of the month.

Saturday morning was Jo's Little Women's club meeting. I enjoyed it very much, and adore the final addition to the quilt. I'm eager to get this finished also - I'd love to take a finished quilt - quilted and bound even - to club next month. The picture I'm sewing is our group leader's quilt. Isn't it simply spectacular?

Jeremy, Chelsea and the girls came yesterday afternoon for an early Easter celebration, and also so Jeremy could do some work on the computer. Lily has certainly changed a lot since the last time we saw her on March 21st. Her personality is really developing now - she's a sunny, happy little girl. It was so easy to get some good pictures of her. Sophie is another story - she doesn't respond well to a camera these days. I couldn't get her to look at the camera or smile. About the time she would cooperate, it was so fleeting that it was gone by the time the shutter was fully pushed. She is SO active - getting her to sit still for more than a minute is a near impossibility.

This afternoon we saw Rick, Rebecca and Joseph for a short time so we could wish them Happy Easter also. They have several family members to visit on a holiday, and they were all getting pretty tired. Things are quite hard for them right now.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow - an entire day for myself. Hopefully I can finish the customer quilt currently on Gandalf!


  1. You will probably be getting a lot more quilting done, now that you have 10 days that you don't have to meet me at SBs!

  2. Thanks for the applique tips...cute grandkids....lucky you!!

  3. That's a really cute shot of Sophie though. And Lily is beautiful too. That Holiday Inn is wonderful. I finally got the hourglass border on mine last night, so glad to have a little progress at last :-).

  4. Sophie and Lily are just beautiful. Grandkids are the BEST! I am going to use your new applique tricks for prepping some blocks to take with me to Birmingham when Little Miss arrives. Thanks Patti.

  5. The Little Women's quilt is so pretty, I look forward to seeing your finished quilt.

    Your grandgirls are just adorable.


  6. Cute pictures! I enjoy the same method of applique but have never tried wetting the fabric. I just iron the seam allowance over and it sticks to the shiny side of the paper. You are so right though, it is a great help to have those folded edges ironed in. Your applique looks great!

  7. I like your blocks. Thanks for the applique hints, I will try that way next time. I couldn,t find where you talked about the mylar washers, though. Where do you find those to use?

  8. Your grandgirls are adorable! Thanks so much for the applique tutorial. Nicely done, by the way. I'm still trying different methods and this one sounds like my cup of tea. I'll try it on my next project.

  9. Adorable children. Thanks for the tutorial.

  10. I went and checked out the applique tutorial. I've seen that before but using spray starch that you spray into a the cap (rather than water) Water sounds easy enough and from what I can see it works! I'm going to have to give this a whirl as I have applique projects sitting....they haven't been fun!

  11. What darling photos of the girls . . . . boy do they grow fast!!!!!
    Don't you just love when you find a method that really works for you?
    Thanks for the tutorial.

  12. Oh they are so adorable! I can't believe how big they are!

  13. It's great when you find the applique method to suit you. The quilt is looking reaaly good!

  14. Looks like April will is going well for you. Those mini Jan Patek Quilts are really fun.

  15. I have never tried the applique method with water. I tried it was spray starch put on with a brush but did not like it. I am willing to try with water, though. I like the idea that the edges are already turned under.
