
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More pictures and plans for the rest of the week

Some of these are water spotted from the rain or a bit past their time - I wanted to include them anyway.

I had a cortisone injection in each knee this morning, so I'm extremely limited in the standing and walking I can do for the next three days. Sounds like a great time to settle into a comfortable chair and appliqué while I watch the Mariners win (I hope!) or listed to my IPOD.


  1. Lovely pictures. Isn't springtime great? I have had those injections in both my knees. Not fun

  2. I hope your knees are ok...I just replaced my second knee! Glad that is over! Your pics are spectacular!


  3. Don't you just love the colors of spring?

  4. Isn't spring grand!!!!! The pictures are wonderful.

  5. The spring flower pictures are gorgeous. Mother Nature working her wonders!
    Ouch! I haven't had the cortisone in the knees but have had another type of deep injections into the knee. I know they aren't fun. Hope they give you some relief.

  6. Hope you're moving around again soon. Enjoy your applique'. The flowers are beautiful.

  7. Lovely flowers!! It's nice to be forced to sew for a icky way to have it happen but still nice.


  8. What wonderful pictures...thanks

  9. I am so looking forward to some blooms here in MI. Your pics were wonderful. I could even smell them.

    The injection should help for a while. Mine did.

  10. It's hard to sit still inside when it's so beautiful outside, but try to do it and take care of yourself. Applique always helps. Hope your window has a great view.

  11. YIKES!that sounds painful. I know in the long run it is helpful. hope your Mariners are doing well. My sox seem to be out of their slump and winning games. Nice to see our knuckleballer going 7 and 8innings!

  12. pretty flowers
    Tell Kathi I love her quilt
    that tree is beautiful...did she draw it herself?
    oh the quilting looks great, suits the quilt perfectly
    wow thats a lot of hours quilting.

  13. Patti I love those photos. So bright. Getting into autum here so its getting colder in the southern hemiphere.

    I've also given you a blog award...


  14. I love your spring pictures. I'm so glad it is come. I hope your moving better by now. THe Mariners are winning. I'm a fair weather fan and the weather is fair right now. Elaine

  15. Hope your knees heal up quickly. My neighbor just had that done last week after worrying about it for months and now wonders what took her so long!

    Great flowers!

  16. Oh, such lovely pix of spring!

    And you take care of your knees and self, hear?

  17. Just a message to say that I love your blog I'm french and I discovered it just few weeks ago. I began to read your older post from the begining I printed some and read when I take my breakfast.

  18. I'm really enjoying lovely spring photos at the moment as we head into cold weather. You did a good job on the quilt in the last post, aren't those fabrics amazing.

  19. Okay, when are you going to write a new entry?
