
Thursday, April 2, 2009


The center of the Girl Gang feathered star is finished, and I'm very pleased with it. The next step is to trim up the edges as I used oversized triangles, and then add the top and bottom border. That step should go very quickly. Then all that remains is four large, heavily appliquéd borders. Those will take awhile!

I received the next Jan Patek mini quilt in the mail yesterday. It's a bunny and a flower - perfect for this season. I didn't start the Valentines quilt when it arrived, so I need to catch up. I've cut out the Valentines quilt and prepped the hearts for appliqué. That's my next project - that and getting back to the last two Heirloom Stitches borders.

I'm sending hugs and huge thank you's to all of you who prayed and/or kept positive thoughts these last few weeks for our family. The surgery went fine - I was in the waiting room for 11 hours that day - the patient is home and doing well. All cancer was removed with next to no expectations of any recurrence. We won't know if chemo is required until next Wednesday. Everything is as good as it could be - and I know all your thoughts and prayers made a huge difference. I love all of you and send my thanks.


  1. So glad to hear your good news about your loved one. Hope that recovery is smooth and fast. Your quilt is absolutely beautiful!

  2. Quilt looks great.

    I am glad the surgery went well and wish them a speedy recovery.

  3. Glad to hear everything went well.
    Your quilt is turning out so wonderful, look forward to more peeks of the border.

  4. Glad the surgery went well! Your quilt is amazing, can't wait to see the borders.

  5. Heavily appliqued borders? That will look wonderful. Love the red in this. Glad all goes well health-wise.

  6. Oh Wow that is just beautiful!! I guess we will have a bit of a wait until we can see those applique borders LOL.


  7. Ohhhh I just love the quilt, it is coming along so wonderfully.

    Cancer is such a horrible thing. I am glad that the outcome looks good.

  8. So glad your family member is improving. You continue to be in my prayers. Your quilt is stunning. Just love your colors.

    Take care!

  9. That is just the best news!!!Your quilt looks great...I'll be looking forward to those wonderful borders.

  10. The quilt looks fantastic, it's going to be so beautiful when you've done the borders.I'm glad you had some good news even if you did have to wait that long. I'll still keep thinking good thoughts for you.

  11. Glad the surgery went well.

    Love how the quilt is coming will be stunning when it is done.

  12. wonderful news, patti, so glad all went well despite the long wait, which can be difficult to endure. wishing the best for the future, and i love your feathered star quilt! can't wait to see it finished!

  13. So glad things are looking up for you. The quilt looks wonderful, by the way!

  14. I'm very happy to hear that the surgery went well. Love your quilt! You did such nice work on it. It's almost a flimsy, so keep at it. :-)

  15. The Girl Gang feathered star quilt is going to be a beauty. I have the pattern but have never taken the time to start it.
