
Sunday, April 5, 2009

A finished little quilt top - how cute is this?

This one was so very fast to applique. At least it would have been if I'd placed the pieces correctly. When I went to trim the center to size I realized the flower pot was too far to the right, hanging almost an inch into the fabric that needed to be trimmed off. So I took it off, moved it, and restitched it. I fussy cut a daisy from a brown fabric for bunny's eye - click on the picture to see it. If I tried I could probably get it finished before Easter, but I've decided not to. I want to hand quilt this little mini - maybe with a big stitch - and I don't want to rush.

At least a couple of you asked about these last two quilts I posted. Lots and lots of patterns, books, and kits are available on Jan Patek's website. Click on the link and then click "Catalog". She also has several "Quilt Clubs" to join. Right now I belong to the Mystery Quilt and Mini Quilt clubs. (Click on "Quilt Clubs" for details.) When you sign up for a club you receive all kits for that club at 15% off, and the kits are mailed to you regularly before they become available to anyone else. You can always return a kit you don't like. I've not done that yet - I love Jan's stuff! If I didn't have so many Brazen HSY's (pronounced husses - haven't started yet's") I'd want to join every one of her clubs!

Now that I finally feel like myself again I walked to Starbucks for coffee this morning. I was really dragging the last quarter mile or so coming home. Not walking for 6 weeks wasn't good - I have to start all over again as far as speed, energy, and endurance. I'm hoping the walking will help me get back on track - the last two WW weigh-ins have not been at all pretty.


  1. I had never heard of HYS's but I have a few of them, too. I know what you mean about needing to walk. I keep trying but have only been able to do it once a week: could do more but just don't. HELP

  2. Hello again Patti!

    I hate it when that happens to me-the applique oops! Its very frustrating! Anyway, it is adorable.

    I have checked out the Jan Patek site and all of the projects keep calling my name! I'm trying to resist but....:o)

    Hope you had a good weekend!

  3. That turned out so cute! I've been so tempted to sign up for the Featured Fabric Club. Her clubs are pretty hard to resist! And you aren't helping--lol

  4. cute bunny oh I LOVE the eye, what fabric is that from????
    oh no don't you hate that when you don't walk for awhile it hurts again!
    thats going to happen to me too this next week
    the weather has finally broke here again so I can start walking again
    don't beat yourself up about the WW scale, you have had a rough couple of weeks .
    don't even think about it.

  5. Love your bunny quilt! Don't worry about the WW've had way too much going on the last few weeks. You'll be back on track again in no time...I'm cheering you on.

  6. Fantastic bunny eye! What is that pretty light blue fabric?

  7. I finished all my applique too but I changed out a few colors. I also made the bunny a dark brown plaid. I like the blue, but not the red for the border (it's a different green and purple flowers..nope) So I have to find another color to use. Then I'm just going to cross-hatch this one.

    They are cute and it take so little to make them, so it's been fun to get them!

  8. Hi Patti,
    I love the bunny quilt. How are you and how have you been? I've been MIA but I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things soon.
    I'm going to have to go back through your archives to see what I've missed.

  9. Love your little minis!! and I can relate to the walking thing. I've been lazy of late due to the rather chilly weather and my treadmill is ailing. Went out yesterday and was dragging my tail the last 1/2 mile back to the car!

    Yikes! good weather is coming for both of us and we can get back into the swing of things.

  10. congrats on being the featured blog!
    well deserved blogger for this...
    happy shopping

  11. Yes, your bunny top is very very cute.
