
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm back!

Thanks to all of you who left such nice comments on my last post. I want to assure everyone that nothing was wrong - I just needed a short break. I'd gotten the urge to learn EQ6 during Joseph's naps instead of blogging, and I got so enthralled with the process that almost all my computer time was spent playing with the program. I didn't want to be on the computer all my waking hours - I still wanted time to sew - so I decided to take a break.

Now I'm back, having completed one of my yearly goals - that of learning EQ6. I've also been doing a lot of quilting. I will post pictures later today showing what else I've been up to. I finished only one of my February goals because my sewing urges took a different direction. It's now time to set my March goals, which I will also do later today.

I'm eager to start reading blogs again too, and catching up with what everyone is doing.


1. A very secure job for Fred
2. Continuing weight loss
3. One year now with Joseph home - he delights all of us daily
4. White snowdrops and purple crocus blooming in our front yard
5. Spectacular weather this past month


  1. Has Joseph been with you a year already? How wonderful. And EQ....what a wonderful piece of software!

  2. Yeah, Patti's back! I've missed you.

  3. I'm so glad you're back Patti. I read your blog every day and really missed you during your break.

  4. Isn't EQ fun!?! It's soooo addictive! :o)

  5. Glad you are back, can't wait to see what you have been up too besides learning that program.

  6. Looking forward to seeing what you have been up to.....

  7. How wonderful to see you back again - and how strange! I was just thinking earlier today that it sure had been a while since that last post and here you are! Welcome back! I think I need to take some time to figure out EQ6, too. I've done a little with it, but find myself frustrated much of the time because I don't know how to do what I want.

  8. Welcome back - I've been lurking waiting! A respite like that is good.

  9. Hoorah!!!! Just yesterday, I was thinking about you and missing your posts. I was thinking that I would just drop you an e-mail to let you know that you are missed. Lo and behold before I could e-mail, you're back in blogland. Welcome, back!!!

  10. I am glad you are back. You motivate me even when i don't have time. I love your style. I have so many UfO's i plan to start working on them as soon as i get out of school. Thanks for comeing back. You do beautiful work.

  11. Lovely to see you back. Sometimes I think we all need a rest and come back refreshed. Sounds like you put your time to good use in learning EQ6 :)

  12. So glad you are back and somehow I have missed your return and now I am going to see what you have been up to.
