
Monday, February 9, 2009

Blogging Break

I find myself in need of a short blogging break. I'm incredibly behind on my blog reading, and my posts have been few since my blog-anniversary. There are some other things in my life that I need to bring under control, and then I'll be back.

I hope you all miss me, and that you'll still be there when I start blogging again .

Loser Monday

Somehow I missed last week entirely. At least I've got the right day this week. I worked so hard the last two weeks, and though I did lose I didn't lose nearly what I hoped to lose. I seem to be stuck at .6 of a pound down each week. I guess that's better than none. When I weigh in this week I hope to have lost a total of nine pounds since I lost the 20 and reached my WW 10%. If I manage to do that then I will have lost an additional 5%, which is my next goal.

As far as weight loss hints go - I have a couple. First of all - be sure to journal what you eat and write down EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth. Doing this may make you think twice about eating something. Studies show that people who do this lose more weight more quickly and keep it off better than people who don't. My second hint is to start planning meals. When I plan five or 6 days at a time I'm more likely to cook, I enjoy the cooking more, and we are much less likely to head out for hamburgers because I don't want to cook.

I hope everyone else is doing well with their weight loss journey!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stash Report - Week 5

I'm beginning to think this isn't the right time for me to be stashbusting. Not because my buying is out of control, but because the quilting I'm doing in the next few months won't do anything for stashbusting. All the quilts that need quilting already have backs. I will be cutting some fabric for applique, but not enough that it will pay to count it. If I start anything new it will be from either my scrap drawers or from a kit I already have. I know I won't cut buying out entirely - I've cut WAY down with that - but there is no point to report "no stash busted" every week. At the end of this year, if I've quilted as many flimsies as I want to quilt, and I've busted a bunch of my scraps, it will be time to start thinking of stashbusting. As Judy says, everyone will know when it's the right time to stash bust - and for me it isn't now.

So - I'll still stick with my goal of using more fabric this year than I buy, but I won't be doing weekly stash reports. Today's will be the last report.

Fabric in - one kit with about a yard of fabric from my Jan Patek Mini-Quilt club - auto shipped
Fabric out - nada

The good news is I visited Momma Made It - my favorite shop - on Thursday, and Friday I went to two quilt shops - one of which was new to me and positively wonderful! - and a quilt show and I didn't buy any fabric! It was certainly hard to resist.

(Shhh. . . don't tell Judy . . . I did ask Sharon at Momma Made It to put together a kit for the Kennesaw Mountain Quilt using the new Pink Chocolate line by Windham that she just got in as well as other fabrics. It'll be awhile before I pick up that fabric so it doesn't count until I do!)