
Monday, January 26, 2009

Thank you so much eveyone!

I had a wonderful time reading and rereading all the comments you left answering my question as to what type of quilter you are. The answers were fascinating. As I expected, many of you consider yourselves to be a bit of both, though leaning in one direction or the other.

I'm still amazed at the number of people who are "afraid" of triangles. Triangles aren't hard - they just take practice. Check out my several tutorials on piecing and pressing - you will find lots of hits about piecing triangles. And pressing too - pressing is as important as piecing. Many quilters piece triangles just fine and then stretch them out of shape when they press them.

I've also loved reading your ideas for my fall wall hanging. Some really struck a chord with me - and were things I'd never have thought of myself. Thanks for responding!

I did my best to answer everyone who left me a comment. If you didn't receive an answer from me then you are one of the people who are set up as "no reply" because you said you didn't want your email address available. I'm always really sad when I can't answer someones question for this reason. So . . . if you don't hear from me, check out whether or not your email address is available.


  1. Okay, I guess since I didn't receive a comment you must not be able to see my email. Thanks for posting this message. I have (just) now figured out where to click to make my address available. Amazing!! I guess you can teach an old ???? new tricks.

  2. I echo Becky's sentiments, and have changed my settings as well.

  3. Hm, I guess I'm one of those lurkers you are "hauling" in. So, I really like the crow looking up at a another crow idea, beats the vine in autumn colors I had in mind. As to triangles, well I made all triangle quilts for each of my four kids (plus few squares in one of them) Jikes, I did not want to look at a triangle for some time after that. But now I'm over it and I have never bin really fond of quick quilts with big easy blocks. The hard part for me is putting it all together, making the blocks are the most fun for me.
    Well I have finally commented(and a long one it is)I tried before but did not figure out how. Now I have started a blog so it's easy. Thanks for a sharing this nice blog and good tutorials.
    Sunna in Iceland.
