
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Stash Report - week 2

Oh my - I'm sure not doing very well with stashbusting so far this year! I didn't have much time to sew, but I sure found time to shop LOL!

Used - 3/4 yard for binding the two quilts I finished today

Bought - 18 3/4 yards plus one Fat Quarter Shop Jelly Cake

Wednesday was an unexpected Joseph day - but I followed my original plan of heading to Battle Ground to The Primitive Thimble - a marvelous shop for those of us who like homespuns and reproductions. This time I was looking for light homespuns to use as backgrounds on applique blocks. I knew they would have what I needed - and they did. Joseph helped me choose bolts of fabric to purchase. By the time we left I'd bought 25, 3/4 yard pieces. Many quilts are now calling for 20" finished applique blocks, so half yards wouldn't do.

I have always loved red and black together, so I couldn't resist when I saw this Jelly cake online at the Fat Quarter shop. A jelly cake consists of a Jelly Roll, a Charm Pack, and a Layer Cake. The collection includes other colors also, but it was the red and black that kept drawing my eye back to it. I'm really looking forward to making something with these fabrics. I don't know the total yardage here, and I'm not going to figure it out.

So - for the second week in a row I've bought way more than I've used. The good news is I think I'm done buying for some time now LOL!


  1. lots of wonderful fabrics there...
    love that new line from Moda...what a fun idea to buy that and then make a quilt around those strips and squares...
    is that the new Traditions line?
    LOVE the red and black too...
    hmmm maybe a challenge in the air????
    do I need that too????

  2. Isn't that stash report nerve wracking? I looked at just because fabric but didn't buy it because I didn't want to have to report it!

  3. I've been trying to work from my stash too and I'm jealous of your purchases. Those homespuns look great. Is the The Primitive Thimble where Cottons used to be?

  4. Well when you said nobody cares about changes to your blog I just had to say I follow yours though I only comment intermittently. Thank you for sharing!
    Mary in Canterbury

  5. I just saw a pic of this Tradition line yesterday and fell in love with it! It is pretty similiar to a Moda line from about 4 or so years back, but I love this one more!

  6. Blogger just lost my first comment!
    Anyway, I was saying that I just stopped by looking for a "mile a minute" quilt. Yours is great! I have got to say, I am loving your blog, your quilts, and (your weight loss!) Good job.
    Don't you just love that Battle Creek store? I stopped there on the shop hop this November, what a fun place to browse!
    I'm adding you to my blog list!
