
Saturday, January 24, 2009

A question for you

In an effort to get some of you lurkers to to comment, I've decided to ask a quilty question or two. I'd love to have you give this a thought or two and then leave me an answer. Or leave me a comment telling me you've answered the question on your own blog.

Which do you enjoy more - otherwise, what type of quilter are you? Do you love the process involved in making a quilt, watching it slowly come together and rejoicing in each step as you complete it? Or do you love to do simple, quick quilts that you can finish in a short amount of time so you can move on to another project?

If you are the first type of quilter, do you usually tend to do complicated, time consuming patterns? Or are you the second type of quilter - choosing quick to do patterns like those that are strip pieced and made completely or primarily without triangles?

Though I've certainly done my share of quick quilts, I much prefer complicated blocks and patterns with lots of triangles and and sometimes lots of pieces per block. I especially love quilts that contain both piecing and applique. I look at a complicated block as a fun test of my skills as a quilter. When I'm paging through a book or magazine to find a new project I choose more time consuming designs most of the time.

So what type of quilter are you?


  1. I am usually one of the lurkers. But I am going to try to do better:) I am for sure one of the first types of quilters. I do enjoy a challenge. Love the whole process from start to finish.
    Have a great weekend

  2. Is it possible to be a mix of types? I think I CAN do anything and then I bite off more than I can chew at the time and get frustrated. Does that make sense? I love seeing what others do to get inspiration and you do lovely work.

  3. I actually love the whole journey of making a quilt...and I think I actually do prefer more difficult patterns...but it's fun to do an easy quilt for a change!

  4. I love the piecing and fabric selection most of all and enjoy a challenge. I do try to stretch my skills but also enjoy doing something simple and quick now and then. It's pretty hard to find anything about the quilting process I don't like unless it's the cleaning up the mess part.

  5. I'm all for the quick and simple. 99% of my quilts are given away--I think I own 2 quilts I have made out of the over 100 and I just started last year. Most go to children in crisis, so they need them quickly. Plus, I have thousands of yards of fabric to work through and only one life to live, so things have to move quickly around here! :) I love to look at the more complicated quilts and one day may try them, but every time I have tried something a little more difficult, I have stopped part way and ended up with another UFO. If I can't make a quilt--start to finish in about 3 hours, I lose interest and want to move onto something else. sometimes I come back to the original project, sometimes not.

  6. I do like and prefer the simpler faster things. Not sure that I choose them for that reason I think that my taste just lends itself to those simple designs. I do want to do more complicated but have not sought it out.

  7. Dear Patti
    I am a mixture of the two if thats possible but really nothing is ever really that easy. I am drawn to more complicated patterns but my DIL prefers lots of simple applique in my grandaughters quilts so natually thats what I do!
    Robyn (New Zealand)

  8. Hi Patti, I think I like the process more than the actual finish. I love choosing the fabrics and most steps. :-D I like patterns that are more of a challenge, but will make something regardless if I really like it.

  9. I prefer the quicker quilts--not so much because they are quicker, but because I'm not as skilled as I want to be with triangles for instance. They stretch, and don't fit together well, and then I don't want to go on. I have started using best press for bias edges and am having more success, but I don't want a block with 30 pieces. I give away quilts, and the joy in the giving is hard to put off.

    I enjoy your blog--thanks for the questions. Mary-Colorado

  10. I like the look of more complicated blocks - as in made of more, smaller pieces, even though they may not be more difficult. I do make the other type, but slow down on the finishing. Once I see all the blocks on my design wall, I'm content to leave them up there and enjoy them every time I'm sewing. By the way, I'm a lurker because you are on my google reader, and it takes more steps to leave a comment. I've loved seeing your room come together.

  11. I like to design as I go wonky quilts that are one of a kind. I also do quilts from patterns to and like a challenge once in awhile.

  12. Patti..I am a "Quilter of all trades but a master at none" I love the complicated detailed ones and then inbetween to make me feel like I am getting somewhere I will whip up a quickie.
    But because of the quickies..they need boarders so that now I am spending all day putting boarders on a few to hand over to machine quilt. I love to hand quilt so save the "complicated" I call "dedicated ones" for the time consuming enjoyable hand quilting. then race to make another quickie...there is just never never never enough time to do them all but no harm in trying...LOL
    It is amazing how diverse quilters really are...good question to get those lurkers outta the batting!!

  13. I am one of your lurkers; I read each of your post and learn something new! I make both simple and complicated patterns. I can't stand to have UFOs - I consider that such a waste of material so I only buy fabrics for a specifc project. I do many applique quilts so I usually have one going for handwork - applique and binding - and one in process - cutting, sewing, quilting. Triangles scare me to death but occasionally I throw a pattern in to see if I got any better at matching edges!

  14. Patti - I tend to be a "both" quilter. If I'm looking to make a quilt in a hurry for someone or I need a quilt that I know will be well-used, I go for the quick ones. When I'm making something that is meant to last longer, then I go for a pattern with lots of triangles. I generally question my sanity somewhere in the middle of the process, but I love doing the more complicated patterns! PS - love your new ironing "board"!

  15. I SHOULD be a quick quilter, as I don't have much free time. (Single mother of 4, I teach full time and do tutoring after hours to support my boys) but I've started a hand pieced tumbling dice quilt for my Queen sized bed. I'm also looking at a strings basketweave pattern which again will take time to accululate lots of different fabrics.

    I know. I must be mad.

  16. I'm a little bit of both. I love long term projects - the kind that require some thought and dedication to the whole process. Sometimes I need a break and just want a little feeling of completing something.
    I hope I'm always that way *s*

  17. I just love it all--except cutting out. That makes my back hurt.

  18. I seem to specialize in buying fabric! And of course planning quilts. I have been stretching my wings and trying things I have not done before such as using the tri recs rulers, much easier than I thought. I am also trying some smaller blocks too.

  19. I must say, I like it all... The quick Streak of Sunshine by Bonnie Hunter and the 10,336 piece Insanity quilt I have begun.

    I like shopping for fabric and the feel and smell of it when it is washed and I am ironing it for my stash.

    I like to cut the strips and stack up several projects ready to piece.

    I like applique, I like paper piecing, I like big quilting and everything involved in the process.

    Most of all I like the people that quilt. They are special. Caring, giving people that go the extra mile for anyone that needs a helping hand.

  20. I usually have several quilts going at one time, probably because I'm a tiny bit ADD and I like to have choices. Most of my quilts are long-term projects that take time to design and complete. An example is the quilt in the little thumbnail photo. That took about 20 years! I like to add quicker projects in between the longer ones to give me a sense of accomplishment. To keep from having an extremely long list of UFO's, I have kept a list on my iGoogle page. I have forced myself to limit the list to 5 items. So at any one time, I only have 5 things in my house that are UFO's. I don't start anything new until the list is at 4.

  21. I like a bit of both.. I did an embroidered lap quilt a few years ago, and it took forever (or so it seemed).. I like to have a mindless project on the go and a 'little bit harder'.. I am triangaphobic I must admit, and choose patterns mostly without triangles.. with the stress of life and work, and family, I am finding I am doing more 'mindless' piecing then complicated!

  22. Whether it's an involved quilt or an easy one, I thoroughly enjoy watching it come together. Though, truth be told, I usually shy away from the really intricate, as my attention span is a little on the short side, as is my time. I am another lurker. I enjoy your blog. Thanks!

  23. Great question :o) I tend to pick out the intricate patterns... that is what appeals to me. I enjoy PARTS of the process, but definitely not everything. My favorite parts are the shopping and the binding!

  24. I don't lurk that much so do I still have to answer LOL. I would like to do more complicated stuff. I love foundation-piecing more tricky designs, but often machine piece quite quick things too. I hate basting and quilting because of the strain on my joints and wish sending quilts to the Longarmer was cheaper ;-)

  25. I like the whole process - and do complicated quilts - except that I rarely do pieced quilts. I like paper piecing, English paper piecing, hand applique and embroidery. Cutting out and making blocks just doesn't appeal to me - though I've made a couple pieced blocks quilts. I especially love binding - because it is a sign the quilt is almost done and I can get it on my bed - or someone else's bed.

  26. I love to do complicated quilts and I love the process. but when I finish I usually like to do a couple of quick quilts (charity and/or gift) before starting another challenging quilt.

  27. i am a process quilter, from choosing the fabric, cutting out patches, sewing together, basting and then quilting. since I hand quilt, I don't get them done fast at all; sometimes I even hand piece as well. BTW, patti; please tell me again the size of the top on your cabinet. it looks terrific and such a dream place to sew as well...

  28. I'm more of the first. I use paper piece patterns but typically I don't use patterns. For me, a lot of the fun is designing how I want things to go. I like to use EQ5 to help with the math.

    Great post!

  29. I am usually one that reads, and then moves on, but today I'll stop for a moment. I probably fit into the category of enjoying the process, I pick things that will challenge me, be it the number of pieces, or using fabrics outside my comfort zone. I am more about enjoying the journery, than hurray up and get it done. Maybe that's why I have so many UFOs.

  30. Hi Patti

    I am beginning to feel more like a "fabric collector" rather than a quilter. I just love the beautiful fabric and how lovely it looks all piled up in coordinating colour schemes. Too pretty to cut up!! LOL

  31. I am a process quilter and I love working the needle through the fabric so hand piecing and hand applique are my favorite techniques. I do however do an occasional machine pieced baby or likely to be hardworn piece. These are rewarding because they give me a finished feeling quickly. I am a lurker from B.C.

  32. Good question Patti. Like many, my answer depends on a few qualifiers. If it's a quilt for me or someone who will take care of it, I LOVE to do more complicated piecing or applique. Quilts for my kids or children/babies are fun patterns but much simpler. One other thought....occasionally mindless projects are just the ticket, if my day has been particularly frustrating or stressful.

    A recent fun 20 year old daughter lit up when she saw my completed Orange Crush quilt. The colors are 'her' and I told her she could have it....someday. :c)

  33. Hi Patti,
    I'm not sure if I've ever commented before on your blog, but I am a big fan; ran across it when I was googling scrap blocks and found your tutorial for mile-a-minute blocks. WHen I first started quilting 10-12 years ago, I was mainly attracted by any patten with a strong graphic design element (but traditional patterns) and quickly discovered I love piecing but not applique. I'm pretty much willing to do whatever I have to, to get to the end product, except for curved piecing--haven't ever tackled that one. Having said that, my greatest satisfaction when sewing/crafting/quilting is getting a finished final product, and thinking about how I will be able to give it away to someone and perk up their day. I totally relate to your comments about how you almost view your work pile in a contest/adversarial/conflict/gonna-lick-that-pile sort of way, and how you totally stick with something until you are done, even if you'd rather do something else. I had a little period where my creativity was waning and I just wanted to get through all my (admittedly small) stash of fabrics and be done with the whole quilting as a hobby phase (because of course, I hate wasting fabric). I made a whole bunch of yellow brick road baby quilts. Backfired. It totally jumpstarted my passion for quilting to a whole new level, especially as it coincided with my finding BOnnie Hunter's website and discovered the world of quilt/craft bloggers. I like to challenge myself with goals and accomplishing them. My most recent complex quilting goal was stitching up every one of the blocks in Marsha McCloskey's Block Party book. One of these days, I'm going to tackle the nearly insane quilt :). Dear Jane doesn't interest me as much though. Anyway, thanks for having such a great blog for me to read & enjoy!

  34. I am definitely a small, quick project type person. I get bored working on bigger projects. I want the satisfaction of finishing something to come quicker rather than later. I did make a big quilt for a Christmas gift last year, but it wasn't a complicated pattern. I have the pieces cut for a queen size quilt that have been sitting around for 8 years. Someday I will finish it.

  35. I do both kinds of quilting. I usually get bored half way through and that is frustrating. My goal this year is to finish some of the UFO's but I am sure that is everyone's goal also. I detest sewing on bindings and probably have 5-6 quilts that only need the binding. I love you blog and I am a faith reader.

  36. I love a challenge!! I love to challenge myself every chance I get with my quilting. If you get the chance take a peek at my blog, This year I have challenged myself to two things so far. I have attempted free motion quilting, and finished my Gentleman's Fancy Quilt! I'm not addicted to quilting this way! I will be hoping to free motion my next quilt, Double Irish Chain this week. My other challenge is to make myself a queen size Trapunto quilt for my bed! I started this project this week.

    I love the whole process of seeing a quilt come together from the initial design idea, the fabric selection, cutting ,assembling, layering, quilting ,binding!

    Quiltingly Yours

  37. I love it all and every day I may want something different. I have quilts I've worked on and off over years. And then I have one I whipped up yesterday, today the borders go on. I Piece, applique', and longarm quilt. when I get up in the morning I decide what I want to do that day.
    I may have more than a few quilts in the house as I trade out over the seasons or if I'm just bored with them. I have at least 30 to quilt. I think I piece faster than I quilt but then I have customer quilts to do first.'Quilter PattiO

  38. I am a very new quilter and most of my quilting is constrainted by two Littles: 18 months and 3yr old sons! I love to do wool applique by hand (that was my "gateway" into quilting). My sons are both fascinated with my sewing machine/iron/anything with a plug. So for now I opt for small projects that I start on the machine (while the boys are asleep) and then finish by hand. I started a small quilt last summer on my machine and then I ended up hand quilting it in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. My ODS loved it-I let him do some stitches.

    My DH is looking forward to big quilts but until I have my "own room" I'll be sticking with wall hangings etc.

  39. I love the process, and I really love hand quilting and hand piecing. It doesn't matter to me how long it takes me to complete a quilt. Some are simple, some are a little more involved. I don't make any for charity and I give away few, to people who I know will appreciate the work that goes into it.

    I've never really considered the difficulty level when starting a project. If I like it, I'll make it.

  40. I'd like to think that I'm both - I enjoy the quicker quilts because they provide "instant gratification". LOL However, I do enjoy getting involved in a more complicated style of quilt but it has been awhile since I've done that. I do have a more complicated type quilt waiting in the wings and plan to get into it very, very soon. I've been 'craving' something with more substance and meat to it. LOL

  41. I like both, too. If it's more complicated, I need to take a class--I'm a visual learner and I get inspired by being w/ other quilters. If it's simple, then I tackle that on my own. I, too, have accepted that it's likely that ANY project could take me years to finish, so patience w/ any kind of quilt is key for me. My favorite part of quilting, by far, is machine piecing... the hum of the sewing machine, the constant trips to the ironing board to perfect my seams.... love it! I also like hand quilting, too. Thanks for posing the question-- reading the comments was fun! :)

  42. I seem to like the more involved, traditional quilts the best. I especially like quilts with blocks that form a secondary pattern. I love machine-piecing. The only step that I don't enjoy is adding borders. I have a hard time finding a big enough flat surface to measure the quilt top to add my borders.

  43. I love the process of making a quilt from start to finish, usually taking quite a while. So sometimes I make a quickie one or two during the process.

    Patty, I really enjoy keeping up with you on your blog, someday I will have my own. Sherryl in California

  44. I love planning, cutting, and piecing blocks. Then I hit the wall, and the rest is something I have to drag myself through. Maybe I should try a quick and dirty just to punch through the wall.

    Betcha didn't know you had so many devoted lurkers!

  45. I prefer new challenges. I make a new block for me. if it is difficult.Triangles are so difficult to me, but they make good.
    The hardest thing for me are curves and circles.
    I like to learn.
    I like everything.

  46. Wow, lots of comments! I like traditional blocks that look complicated... but usually aren't. I don't mind sewing triangles, diamonds and set-in seams. I prefer smaller blocks with small pieces. I have thought before that I could use up my fabric faster if I would just make quilts with bigger pieces, but I know I wouldn't be happy with the end result - so I just keep cutting my fabric into tiny units! OLD quilting magazines are my best inspiration - so many of the latest issues have very big pieced blocks.
    Cheers! Evelyn

  47. I too love the whole process of quilting but cutting is definitely my least favorite. I am so picky that it takes me forever. I am a lurker too so just wanted to take a minute to tell you how much I appreciate your blog. I have learned so much from you and others over the past year that I have discovered them. It is like a secret club for quilters only!

  48. I am a bit of both! I find I do the harder piecing (usually)by hand as my machine piecing isn't as accurate eg Dear Jane. So I have quite a few ongoing or long term projects but I also find I like to have a finish occassionally and will do a simple quick quilt by machine which satisfies the needing to get something finished. I am a bit late in answering this one as I usually read your blog but I don't always comment as it takes so long on my dial up plan. Congratulations on your 750th post!! I am amazed I have only done just over 150.

  49. I'm a bit late...

    I have to place myself into the second category.

    I so much prefer to pay with fabrics than complicated piecing! Right now I am cutting 9-patch variation blocks using 100 different black & white prints with yellow.

  50. I am a dreamer. I have wonderful intentions but a much more wonderful stash. I have the fabric, pattern all tied up with a ribbon and waiting to start, dreaming of the beautiful quilt that awaits. Then I wake up, and take care of all the real world things and do not get back to my dream as soon as I should/would like.
