
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sewing at last! Plus a little blog reading thrown in

I'm sure on a crazy sleep schedule - not sure why. I got up about 3:45 to go to the bathroom, and couldn't go back to sleep. I finally gave up about 4:20 and got out of bed. I needed to be quiet so Fred could sleep so I parked myself on the couch and read blogs on the laptop. Fred got up a little before six so we had some doughy cinnamon rolls (see Disaster! post) for breakfast and then really got going for the day. I made a pot of coffee and retired to the sewing room, where I spent most of the day constructing "new fabric" for quilt backs. More on that tomorrow when I post my stash report.

Once the quilt back "fabric" was finished I did a bit of rearranging in the sewing room. Hooray - things are better! More about that in tomorrow's post also. I heated a multitude of leftovers for our dinner - sure helped make room in the refrigerator! - and then moved on to the next project.

Remember these double four patches that I started at Quilt Camp in early November and finished a few days later? I'd found a stack of 4 1/2" squares cut from 19th century reproductions that I decided needed to be four patches. When I got home from camp I turned all the 4 1/2" squares from their plastic shoebox into four patches also. Then I robbed all the lights from the box of 4" squares and added a few more trimmed down from the drawer of 5" squares. When I was done I had 108 blocks total - exactly the number needed for a Hotel Hope quilt. (Of course - when I put them on the wall today I found three blocks with four patches turned the wrong direction LOL!)

I think these blocks have aged long enough. They need to be made into a finished quilt top if for no other reason so I can deduct the fabric from my stash count. I decided it would be easier to arrange the blocks if I moved the big board into the hall so I could use the entire design wall. Does the room ever feel bigger without that board in there! Sure wish I could keep it elsewhere for good, but somehow I don't think it would be a good idea to block the hall closet and partially block the door to the computer room for any length of time. At least we've got enough space to get into the room, but we'd better not need any towels, wash cloths, paper towels, toilet paper, spare light bulbs or anything else in that closet until this top is done - hopefully by tomorrow night!


  1. Patti.. what a way to start your year your creative space (sewing area) is fabulous..what a great window to view as well.
    I have one of those big ironing boards too..and yes I wish I could leave it out of the room as well...but they are really great when you need them. I have to leave foil on mine when I close shop or one of my kitties will use it to jump up on higher things.
    Your 4patch is excitingly lovely!! another project maybe?? all these wonderful ideas you ladies blog about. P.s. I did feel for you on those lovely cinnabuns they did look like they had a chance.

  2. oh this one I would have a hard time parting with!
    its a great looking quilt!

  3. That makes me want to start a double 4 patch. So pretty!

  4. Even my regular size ironing board eats up the room.......... I don't think they make a room big enough for us quilters.........

    Thanks for sharing your project. I have been wondering what my next leader ender quilt would be and this just might be it.
