
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

One Participant Needed

I have my third participant. Thank you to the others for your interest. Maybe next time!

I posted a "Pay It Forward" back in the fall. One person has had to drop out so I have space for one more participant. So please leave me a comment if you would like to receive something handmade by me in the new year.

For any reader who doesn't know how it works, here goes -

I am one of the three people who committed that I'd participate in a "Pay It Forward" last fall. This meant that the person to whom I committed Julie will send me a hand made gift sometime in the next 6-12 months (or sooner if she can). She sent me a beautiful fabric basket, which I posted about shortly after it came.

In turn I promise to send a hand made gift sometime in the next 6-12 months to the first three people who comment and commit themselves to playing. Note - just to make sure there is no misunderstanding - I already have two - I just need one more. In order to play you must post the "Pay It Forward" message to your own blog, and promise to send handmade gifts to the first three people who leave you a comment committing themselves to playing along.

(I sure hope that makes sense - if it doesn't and you're not sure how this works just ask me.)


  1. This sounds like fun and I like the idea for what it stands for. Can I play with you?

  2. I already have to pay it forward to three people from a giveaway I won. I'd love to include three more. Let me know.
