
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Goals for 2009

I've actually been thinking about next year's quilting goals for several weeks. Many different ideas have been marching through my brain, and it's hard to know which to choose and which should be discarded for another year. I want to challenge myself, but I also want to be realistic so I don't set myself up for failure.

Setting yearly goals has worked well, but having monthly goals worked well also. So I've decided to give both a try. I'll start with a list of things I want to accomplish in the next 12 months, followed by what I'll focus on in January. I figure if I take smaller bites it will be easier to finish the whole by this time next year. Worth a try, anyway - don't you think? So here's the list I've come up with:

1. Complete a minimum of at least two quilts per month, including quilting, binding and labeling. (The pictures in this post are some of my finished tops waiting to become true quilts.) I will strive for three, but will be happy with two.

2. Make steady progress on my long-term projects. I like the way Judy has listed hers on her sidebar with a bar graph to show the her progress on each one. I'm hoping I can figure out how to do this as I love the graphic, pictorial quality of the progress charts.

3. Use more fabric than I purchase so there is a decrease in the size of my stash - even if it's just a small decrease. I've given up fabric diets - they just don't work for me. I get too much pleasure and joy from bringing new fabric into the house now and then. I've started a weekly fabric journal, and hope to keep better track of yardage bought and used this coming year.

4. Use enough strips, strings, squares, triangles, and bricks from my scrap drawers and boxes so they are no longer stuffed to overflowing. I'll be happy with five or six quilts finished quilts from scraps by the end of the year - though I'll strive for more.

5. Now that I've successfully conquered the major part of my UFO problem, I will start working on the HSY's listed on my sidebar - pronounced "hussies". Almost all my hussies are "brazen" - meaning they are over a year old. I will strive to complete a minimum of 6 quilts in the coming year from this list - though I'd like it to be even more.

6. I will teach myself how to do invisible machine applique, and complete at least three small or one large project using this technique.

7. Learn to use new tools for my longarm - specifically my Circle Lord.

What are your quilting goals for this next year? Please either leave me a comment with the answer or answer on your own blog. If you've never set goals I encourage you to try it this next year - I promise you will accomplish more of you do.


  1. You sure do have some lovely quilts. Your goals are similar to mine. I have lots to quialt and I have also joined Judy's stashbusting 2009. I haven't listed my HSY, will have to think about that.

  2. Your lists and goals are always so inspiring. You accomplished so much in 2008!

  3. I ahve been thinking of this too and decided to go with monthly goals
    I like what Judy did on her blog and have to work on that too.
    I also bought a note book to keep track of what I spend/use fabrics this year and my projects.
    My big goal is to finsih some of the quilts I started and to ENJOY the process along the way.

  4. Lots of lovely quilts to complete in this post (just love the blue and yellow tulip one) and so many more completed shown in previous posts - a veritable one woman quilt show - what a lot of inspiration and eye candy - thanks for sharing!

  5. You have so many pretty quilts. What are you going to do with them? I have been using some of mine to decorate with.

  6. Your goals sound very similar to mine. I've been struggling with actual numbers to aim for. I want to be realistic but yet challenge myself. Good luck and please let us know how to do that graphic thingie when you figure it out.

  7. WOW! I'd be happy to accomplish 1/100 of what you have managed to accomplish! I am working very hard at not buying new fabric and using from my stash whenever possible. I'm financially challenged, so this is as much a neccessity as a goal. It's fun rediscovering fabric that I had forgotten about.
    Good luck with your goals. You are an inspiration to me!

  8. Wow girl, this is a quilt show all in one post. I'm keeping you as NEW so I can just look, slobber, drool, and admire. You do GOOOOOD work, and are very productive.

    Good luck with your impressive goals, but Happy New Year, whatever you accomplish.

  9. Wow..what absolutely awesome quilts. I'd love to make each and every one of them! I've been trying to stash bust for a couple of years and have done pretty well. I also think I complete a lot of projects but you put me to shame.
    Now I'm going to go back and drool some more over your gorgeous tops!!

  10. Beautiful quilts!! I have not really thought about quilts but I have very seiously been considering no fabric purchases. We'll see how that goes. I do want more going out then coming in. Happy New Year.

  11. I think my main goal is to find out where you live and come and steal some of these gorgeous tops - lol ! What absolute beauties Patti. Many best wishes for 2009 xx

  12. wonderfuls quilts¡¡¡
    happy new year

  13. As usual, Patti, so much wonderful eye-candy in this post! I've been contemplating my quilting goals for 2009, as well. I don't feel that I accomplished much in 2008 but I'm not beating myself up about it. Just planning for a more productive year. You have several quilts posted that I've had on my "to do" list. Sigh! I swear I'm coming to visit you - just to look at your beauties, glean some organizational skills and just spend time with you. LOL

  14. Wow, there are some beautiful quilts in this post!!

  15. I love your blog and the quilt pictures are just amazing. I'm looking to you for inspiration!

  16. I echo so much of what's already been said, AND you're diverse. Not all stack and whack, exclusively pieced or from one quilt artist; meaning -you're not IN A RUT! It's easy to stick with what I know and am good at. Thanks for the quilt show in-a-post. Loved it!

  17. I still have to get my goals together, but I love the HSY acronym! I will be stealing this!

  18. Good luck with your resolutions, but have a look at my blog where I've listed my Unresolutions - definitely pretty achievable! Happy New Year!

  19. Wow, Patti, those tops are AWESOME!!! It's a hard choice, I think my very favorite is the folk-y one with the eagle block at the top and the blackbirds on the borders.

    You and Jeanne have inspired me to set monthly quilting goals. I think year-long goals are too long for easy to procrastinate and wind up with an un-doable amount...


  20. YOU do amazing mouth is salavating..... I admire your weight loss...I lost 20 but gained back about is so hard...good luck to you. I love WW but there is not one in Samoa.

    Have you check out it is a giveaway...I am doing one at www.bejeweledquilts.blogspot.

    I have you in my favorites...I just love your blog

  21. They are all so beautiful, I can't choose which is my favorite! Oh, that I could make something so lovely!

  22. Beautiful quilts! Will you hand or machine quilt these?

  23. Your quilts are SO pretty! I especially like the first one in this post with the house on top! Very, very pretty! I put some goals on my blog yesterday, at . I like having goals - and I'm getting better at reaching them!
