
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Weight loss journey report

Last week was disappointing when I stepped on the scale - no weight loss. I told myself that also meant no weight gain, which is a good thing. However, it made me more determined than ever to see a loss this week. So I increased my time on the exercise cycle and buckled down on my food intake. I did OK - other than a total loss of control at a party Saturday night - so I was very pleased when I weighted in at WW this morning and had a 1.6 pound loss. That's 22 pounds total! I came home - went through my closets and drawers - and filled two more sacks with fat clothes. Felt so good to put them in the local charity bin!

I hate to write a post without a picture - guess I should have taken a picture of the two sacks LOL!

1. A wonderful day spent with Joseph
2. Fall colored leaves against a clear blue sky
3. A supportive family when it comes to my weight loss journey


  1. Congratulations! Keep up the great work! :o)

  2.'re doing great on the plan! 22 pounds is a huge accomplishment!

  3. You should be very proud of your WW journey. My daughter and I are also doing WW: she has lost 45# and I have lost 35# I have found that I can't quilt and eat at the same time and that has really helped.

  4. You are doing so well! Good for you! I'm very impressed with your determination, it takes a lot of strength to put in the extra effort you did!
    Keep it up!

  5. 22 pounds is fabulous, well done! And belated congratulations on the new adition-very cute! Tracey

  6. Wonderful news! Keep up the good work.

  7. Congratulations! What a happy accomplishment.
