
Saturday, October 4, 2008

More ideas

Since so many like the "dead trees", I tried it with a narrower border of about 3". Liked that much better than the wider border, but forgot to take a picture. Tried a narrow inner border of the dark green - it got lost. The narrow inner border of a lighter, brighter green is better, but still doesn't wow me. I think I like the narrow orange inner border - at least better than the green - but I still think I like it better without any narrow inner border.

I have another set of blocks made by the same group of ladies for me. The subject was "Spring", and I provided a packet of fabrics for each of them. These are from 1992!!!! They aren't nearly as successful as the Halloween blocks - in my opinion anyway - but I want to do something with them. To me the big pieced basket doesn't "go", so I think I'll use it for a label on the back. I had a serious falling out with the lady who made it, who moved away at least 15 years ago, so I'd rather not see it on the front of the quilt at all.

Anybody besides me remember these fabrics? They were 1980's calicoes - about all I have left since I gave the rest away for charity years ago.


  1. Oh I love the orange intermediate border with the dead trees. It draws your eye back to the middle of the quilt.

    And I adore the spring blocks - I think they will make a darling quilt - they are my style and my colors and fabrics. Be sure and post a photo when you have the spring one done. What a fun swap.

  2. just the black!

    the sprig blocks a quilt for the grandkids to make a tent with!
    or little doll quilts for Lily and Sophie

  3. I also think I like the skinny orange border before the trees. It helps bring out the orangey color in the tree fabric.

    I believe I would pitch the basket block altogether if it brings up painful memories. Why put it anywhere on your quilt at all if it reminds you of a relationship that ended badly? Give it to the Goodwill...someone else will enjoy it.

  4. I do love the way the orange border sets off the black. The spring blocks would look very attractive with setting squares just like the Halloween quilt. Even if it isn't your cup of tea, it might be right up someone else's alley. Why not include the block you don't care for and then give the whole thing away?

  5. Ooooh - I love the orange inner border! How about orange binding too?

  6. I love the inner orange border and putting the basket block on the back would be a fine idea. If the circumstances were different, I would suggest putting it in the center, on-point.

  7. I think the narrow orange border works really well on your halloween quilt.
    If you decide to go ahead with the pastel blocks perhaps a flying geese sashing between the blocks would showcase them. If the basket block brings back unpleasant memories I'd leave it out completely.

  8. mmm - I liked both the green and the orange - so much fun, seeing other possibilities. Thanks!

  9. If you gave that one basket block away, you would NEVER have to think about that episode again. Honest!

  10. Oh yes~I do remember those calicos...the background fabric was in several pieces I made for my livingroom waaaaay back when...LOL I think I sent some orphan blocks to LindaJ and the leftover of the yardage as well LOL

