
Friday, October 3, 2008

Almost finished

Well, I just couldn't help myself - instead of doing what I should have been doing I kept working on the Halloween quilt. The top is now done except for a checkerboard border, and possibly a final border. I decided I wasn't willing to take the time to appliqué two more blocks - I want to move on to something else - so I dug through my stash to find a couple Debbie Mumm fabrics with borders that would be a good substitute. I think the witch works well. Frankenstein doesn't work quite so well because of the darker background behind the figures. It makes the bottom left corner of the quilt look a bit muddy. I decided I could live with it however, so muddy it will stay.

I never thought I might have this done in time to display this year, but considering how far along the top is that just might happen. About time I think - these blocks are from 1993. It is my second oldest UFO. The oldest is a set of blocks from the same group, done in 1992. They depict "spring" and are just as varied in size as these are - if not more. I just may tackle them soon - I'm on a roll when it comes to putting together odd-sized blocks!


Lily's bilirubin levels have finally started to drop, so she shouldn't have to go back to the hospital for an extended stay under the lights - an answer to my prayers.


  1. Your Halloween top is adorable! I can understand why you wanted to keep going on it.

  2. I love how you have brought these blocks to life! Excellent setting idea! By the speed you are moving on this one, I am sure you will have this finished in time for Halloween this year!

  3. I have turned into a Halloween quilt 'nut' this year . . . yours is adorable. Such good news about Lily - extra cuddles all around *s*
