
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday weigh-in

I had a good week, in spite of succumbing to some marvelous pizza Saturday night when we celebrated Rick's birthday. I earned 24 exercise points for the week - by far the most I've done since I started weight watchers - so I'm sure that helped. After last week's slight weight gain I was determined to do better.
I was thrilled this morning to post a 2.8 pound loss - which is a total loss of 20.8 pounds since July 2nd. With this I earned my WW key chain for losing 10% of my total body weight. Really felt great to reach this milestone. My friend Kim did great too - she lost 5 pounds her first week. We each brought shopping lists made from the menus we created for our weekly menu challenge, and had a great time shopping at a beautiful new store. They even carried Boar's Heads meats which haven't been available here before. Kim's been talking about them lately, and I've seen them advertised on the food network. I bought some lowfat basil Parmesan ham - oh my, it is yummy! Made myself a great 4 point sandwich for lunch! (It didn't look like that by any means - I stole this one off their website - it has at least three times as much meat as mine and would be WAY more points!)

1. A weight loss friend who can help support my efforts and allows me to help support hers
2. A renewed interest in cooking
3. Fall color starting to appear in trees around town
4. A great evening with my quilting friends


  1. Congrats on the weight loss! I've never tried Boar's Head. I know it is available here.

    Fall is gorgeous, isn't it. I've been watching the trees off my deck for the last several days. Every day there are a few more red leaves. The nights are cooler. I don't even need to keep a window open to stay comfortable.

  2. Good for you Patti! Keep up the great work. Weight loss is hard, but it sounds like you are on the right track!!

  3. Patti,

    Congratulations on the weight loss. Weigh to go! HeHeHe..... Love looking at your blogspot. I recently created mine and was wondering how you use the strike out lettering in the UFO lists? I've looked at the fonts and don't see anything like that. If you could help out a electronic dummy, I'd appreciate it. Quiltsmiles.blogspot
    Jane, An Adirondack Quilter

  4. It is nice to reach a milestone- congratulations on meeting your goal.

    I have taken a leap into blogland and thought you might want to have a look at my first attempts as a blogwriter.

    Here is the address:


  5. Congratulations and kudos for sticking with it! Cheers!
