
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Grandma Camp

No sewing is getting done this weekend, as Sophie came on Friday morning to spend the weekend with us. We've all been having a marvelous time. Unlike her first visit, she could hardly take time to say goodbye to her mom as she was already so busy exploring. Sure beats the crying and sobbing of last May. We've been very busy - going to the park to swing and play, running around the yard and rolling in the grass, visiting Joseph, investigating Grandma's kitchen cabinets and drawers, reading with Grandpa, visiting the farmers market Saturday morning, and doing just about everything else a very energetic 19 month old can do. Her daddy is spending a weekend with the guys, and her momma is spending some great quiet time at home by herself getting ready for her new baby sister Lily.

I've not had any time to ride my exercise bike, but Sophie is a ready-made exercise program all on her own. I've hardly sat down since she arrived, and she moves faster than lightning! I'm thrilled we've all had such a marvelous time - but also thrilled we will be taking her back to her mommy and daddy this afternoon!


  1. How lovely to spend such special time with Sophie. Guessing you slept well Sunday night!!

  2. I love it: "Sophie is a ready-made exercise program." Little ones are like that, aren't they! Lucky you to have your granddaughter nearby.

  3. That's the great thing about grandchildren they tell me - you can give them back when you've had enough :o) or rather when they've worn you out!

  4. Patti she is just beautiful! I am so with you on not having to exercise when you are with them...last week when I was with Hampton, I ran like a crazy woman...had a blast, was exhausted and lost 2 pounds...grandchildren are the BEST! And having time to spend with them is even BETTER!

  5. Isn't she gorgeous - that smile is a sure sign that she's having the best time! Boy Patti, your days are just going to get busier and busier!

  6. Camp Grandma must surely be the best exercise of all *s*

  7. exactly how it should be when a darling grand child comes to spend the weekend- lucky her and lucky you!
    they do wear you out however.

  8. Grandma Camp looks like fun! Last week I learned DS and DIL are expecting their first child. I can't wait to host Grandma Camp!
