
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Another challenge

This time it's our dear Finn who has issued the challenge. I'm a little behind the times - she actually issued the challenge on August 26 in this post. Finn has challenged herself to finish five UFO's by New Year's Eve and has invited any of us who are so inclined to join her. Apparently 38 quilters have picked up the baton and started running, with the goal of finishing a total of 172 quilts. I have challenged myself to finish 6 of those - should be doable. I was tempted to raise that number, but decided I wanted to enjoy the process and not kill myself working. So as soon as Lily's quilt is finished, and sleeves are sewn on all the quilt show quilts for the End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, I'll be starting another marathon finishing run.

All the participating quilters are listed on Finn's site, along with links to their blogs (where applicable) and the number they are trying to finish. Why don't you join us and take care of some of the UFO's in your closet?


  1. I don't have any UFO's or I would join in.

  2. I love the last comment! LOLLLLL! How can someone have NO UFOS??? and I find it hard to believe that you have any left with all the quiltiness going on at your house!

    The bear quilt is fabulous and you got it done soo fast.

    I have to say that I am enjoying retirement vicariously through you. Boy are we having a good time!! keep up the good work!

  3. Thanks for the plug Patti! I sure do appreciate it...LOL
    Our group is now up to 52 quilters and 247 projects to finish! Pretty impressive numbers, but I have a feeling that you probably will be equaling that all by yourself!! Such dedication, I'm very impressed. Big hugs, Finn
