
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Two more bite the dust

In spite of the stifling heat I managed to hand stitch the bindings and labels on two quilts. Hip, hip hooray! (I'm really not at all excited about finishing these UFO's LOL!)

This scrappy log cabin was pieced for a class sample in 1993. At that time reproduction fabrics were very few and hard to find, but that was the look I was going for. Now that we have amazing riches when it comes to reproduction fabrics I realize I didn't hit the mark with this one all that well. Nevertheless, I love how it turned out and love the quilt. This will be part of my seasonal decorating sometime - not sure for what season however LOL! I'm guessing next summer.

This quilt is the result of an "Ugly Fabric Challenge" with my PINS pals (online group that retreats together twice a year). I was thrilled with the ugly fabric I drew from the bag - I didn't think it was ugly at all! In fact, I'd already purchased a piece - which I've since used in a Civil War Diaries block. My "ugly fabric forms the background in the top center block and the third block down on the right. I finished the top in time for the challenge revelation - 2004. Now it is finally finished and can become part of my fall decor. This design is by Terry Atkinson from her book Nine Patch Reunion. It's a great pattern, and very quick to piece.

I'm creeping closer and closer to my goal of having less than 20 unquilted flimsies by the end of the year. Of course the only catch is this - if I actually reach my other goal of having less than 10 unfinished tops by the end of the year I will be creating a bunch more flimsies that need quilting!


  1. Terrific! I love both of them. The Log Cabin looks like it hit the mark. Looks almost like Civil War time fabrics or there abouts. lol Keep up the finishes.

  2. Is it terrible that I like the "ugly" fabric quilt better than the log cabin one?

    It reminds of a lesson we teach at school. It's the ugly cover lesson. We pick books with ugly covers that kids never choose now (they are so used to bright, cartoon style drawnings), in order to get them to broaden their repertoire. Every once in a while a kid gets really offended and yells, "THAT'S NOT UGLY AT ALL!"

  3. Both quilts are great. I like the ugly one. I don't think it is all that ugly. I think fall when I look at it.

  4. You are getting so much done! Myself? Still plugging away... Way to go on that diet! I wish you could pull me along with you. I can't even manage the water quota...

  5. Love the log cabin looks fantastic and as for your ugly challenge, it looks great...great work with your challenge..

  6. I'm a little behind in reading blogs and you've really been quilting up a storm!! So many great finishes - HUGE CONGRATS to you :)

  7. You are amazing! You are getting so much done! Congratulations!!

  8. I love the traditional looks of your quilts. They are both wonderful.

  9. Hey that so called "ugly" is awfully hard to find and I love it! It's so quirky, but I could see how someone would say it's ugly.

  10. Wow - you are really on a roll. They look great *s*

  11. Good for you Patti, I like them both but I think the log cabin is my favorite. Although I'm getting a lot of quilting done, I haven't made much progress on MY UFO's but next up is one of my tops I pieced last year.

  12. WOW you have been doing so much quilting!! The "ugly" quilt is wonderful; bet you were surprised when that delightful reproduction fabric arrived designated as an ugly fabric. It's so cute!
