
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday report

Lots of great things to report today! First of all is another finish - the third for July. This is Winter Dazzle, the only Thimbleberries quilt I ever pieced even though I went to club for about three years. I like Thimbleberries fabrics, but I prefer to mix other fabrics with them for accents here and there. This will become part of my Christmas decorations. It's just good to have it done - it's been hanging around since 2002.

After taking Winter Dazzle off Gandalf's frame I loaded Jo Morton's "Emma's Quilt" long enough to baste it for hand quilting. I took it with me when I left to spend yesterday with Joseph. I got a great start on the hand quilting during naptime. I'm really enjoying hand quilting again - no pain at all in my hands - the copper rings seem to really work! I'll take this with me camping this weekend. As it's small I'm hoping I can finish the quilting in time to bind it before the end of the month.

This morning was my fourth Weight Watchers meeting. I'm totally sold on going to meetings - I leave recharged and motivated. We have a great leader -she's kept 43.5 pounds off for 27 years now. She is so full of energy and enthusiasm! I was thrilled to find myself down three pounds this week - that's 6.6 pounds since I started going on July 2nd. The new jeans I bought during our anniversary trip in June are getting really loose. I know I can do this!
I'm heading upstairs to test some new thread on Gandalf. If he likes it I'm ordering it in lots of different colors. Then I head to Primitive Thimble for my Golden Age Random Sampler class with Eileen Trestain. Busy day ahead of me - I'd better get moving!

1. A clear vision of my personal goals
2. The incredible beauty of the state in which I live
3. State and national parks
4. Comfortable beds in the tent trailer
5. Firewood split and ready to load for our camping trip


  1. Love the Thimbleberries quilt, Patti! I should dig out my kit, one of these days... LOL!

    Keep up the great work at Weight Watchers - you can do it!!!

  2. Wow - great job on the finishes and the weight loss . . . inspiration all around *s*

  3. Love your quilt in the frame. Good luck with your great work at Weight Watchers . You can do it!

  4. Hooray on the weight loss!

    The quilt is lovely. The colors look great together.

  5. Congratulations on the weight loss, doesn't it make you feel great? I'm working my first meeting as a WW receptionist tonight, I can't wait.

    Your quilts are beautiful!

  6. Patti...your quilt is just stunning I love Thimbleberries really have done a grand job...and congratulations on your weight go girl...

  7. You are doing great on your WW - Keep up the good work. The quilts looks great too - beautiful work

  8. Great job on your weight loss! Hard work, but worth it.

    Your quilts are beautiful. I love your Jo Morton one. You're doing well on your finishings!

  9. Loosing weight is so hard, and you are doing it!! Good work! The quilts are beautiful, can't believe the amounts of work you get done!

  10. Awesome Patti! So exciting to have LOOSE waistbands! All your quilt finishing is really inspiring me - I'm very very lucky to have a new sewing machine heading my way next week - it has an extra long arm - and I cannot wait to get quilting - the cross hatch on your applique quilt looks beautiful. That's the type of quilting I want to do!

  11. Way to go on the finishes! I love the Emma's quilt, you are well on your way to another finish. Congrats on the weight loss, WW is really the best way.

  12. Well done on losing the pounds! I love the look of Emma's Quilt. Enjoy the camping (more than the las trip anyway!).

  13. I made that quilt. I think the only thimbleberries one I pieced too! I made it after my gall bladder surgery and call it gall bladder stars!

  14. Well done for getting those UFOs out of the box! It's a great feeling, isn't it?

  15. Lovely finishes! Congrads on the weight loss! I just love your quilts! Thanks for sharing!
