
Friday, July 11, 2008

I never imagined this would happen

250,000 visitors to my blog - I'm very close now to reaching that number. When I started this blog I never imagined that so many people would be interested in what I was doing and saying. I think it's time for a giveaway! I'd love to know who is the 250,000th visitor, so please check the count now that you are here reading, and if it's you please let me know. I'll have a little giftie for you. In the meantime, I think I'll have a drawing to celebrate this amazing occasion. Leave me a comment on this post, and if you feel so inclined let me know why you feel it's worth your time to visit my blog. I'm curious! We are heading up into the mountains camping today - I'll do the drawing when we return. I'd love to be heading to Sisters with so many of you - instead I'll be having so much fun watching Joseph experience camping for the first time.

Have a great weekend everyone! And I'd love you to put a note in your blog about my giveaway in your own blog.


  1. Hi Patti,
    I´m from Germany and I love to read your blog. You make such beautiful quilts and it´s always a pleasure and an inspiration to "visit" you!!
    Have a nice weekand and all the best for you from

  2. 249,865 close but no cigar!

    Congrats on your milestone.

  3. 249,876 we're getting there! I enjoy your blog, you're always up to something wonderful!

  4. I like seeing all of the beautiful quilting you do. Thank you for sharing with us. Take care and God bless, Cory

  5. I was 249,897! Can I check back 103 more times? *s* Congrats on all of the visits.

  6. Congratulations!

    I'm begginer blog from Spain.

    Visitor 249.914

  7. Visitor 249,922 . . . getting closer.

    I love to read your blog for inspiration. I also read it because you live in my favorite vacation state and someday I hope to join you at the Sister's Quilt Show.

  8. WoW, awesome!! I love your blog for all the inspiration!! Especially the red and white kind!! = 0

  9. 249,942! Only 48 to go...maybe I will come back 48 more times...ROTLF! Congrats!

  10. I'm mean FIFTY 8! ROTLF...I guess I'm a quilter..not an mathmetician...heheheheh

  11. 249.945 !
    Lovely quilts, lots of inspiration!

  12. I love to look at your quilts for inspiration. They are absolutely beautiful!

  13. I am number 249,956 and I enjoy reading blogs - they give me inspiration and glimpses into the lives of other quilters. Its like having one great big international family.

  14. 29 to go, so it's not me. I like to read your blog because I admire your workmanship and your knowledge of the craft - and also that you were responsible for introducing me to crumb chaos (how did I live without it?) I've been lurking a bit lately with the pressures of work but always call in to see what you are up to.

  15. I was #250,001! :)

  16. ahhh... 250.002, 250.000 did not leave a comment...!

  17. .... I was 250.006 !!!

  18. Hope you have fun camping. I'll be in Sisters. Congrats on the blog visitors, that's pretty impressive, just like your quilts. :-)
    visitor # 250,027

  19. That is a lot of visitors! I was #250,029 - Have a good weekend :)

  20. Missed it by 38! Congratulations on your blogging success!

  21. Missed it by 38! Congratulations on your blogging success!

  22. Wow you've had a busy day! I'm 250040!

  23. ... and I'm 250050.

    I read sometimes because your quilts inspire me.

  24. hey that was really cute - all the comments counting along! :-) I was 250, 051! What a lovely thought Patti that you have reached out to 250,000 readers with your quilts and stories - amazing! I'm glad to have found you and love reading your blog.

  25. Wow, you do have lots of people coming through your blog. I just love quilts and I wish I could make things but I am the girl with crazy fingers.

  26. Your blog is great! I am not the best commenter, but that's okay. I am inspired by your quilting, you keep me motivated to try harder techniques, plus you live close by :D Congrats on so many visitors!

  27. LOL - who didn't leave a comment at 250k?

    Patti you seem to be the loveliest lady and you make beautiful quilts, sharing with us your trials and tribulations along the way. What more could we ask for?

    Enjoy the camping!

  28. Missed it by 67! I am 250067.... rats! Lol Congratulations! I am nearing 10,000 and was very excited about that!

  29. Wow.....what fun! I am number 250,095. I would like to think that I read your blog fairly frequently--but I am a way off of 250,000!

  30. 250,101 - Man I missed it by a long shot! And you know why I would visit you! If I lived closer I"d be over bugging you all the time to play! Hey check out my blog and see what Lucy sent me!

  31. Well now I am late. I like reading your blog just because you are always up to clever and interesting projects.

  32. Patty,
    Your blog is one of the first ones that I "looked forward" to reading when I began reading blogs several years ago. One of the things I loved was that you blogged frequently and about everyday matters. You always have great pictures to help me visualize what is happening in your life. Love the way you end your posts with your Gratitudes. Your blog is a blessing!

    Becky in Georgia

  33. Long way off here too, but I love reading your blog to see what you are up to, you always have an interesting project on the go. And I just love how you have listed all your 'to-do's and also, how many are DONE.. you inspire me! (well not enough to actually get off my bottom and actually sew) LOL


  34. Yours is always the first blog I go to - then I branch out from there. I like your organization and good ideas - they keep me inspired - and you accomplish so much!!

  35. Well you are way past the magic number now, 250 194. Congratulations on the milestone. I read your blog through bloglines. I enjoy hearing about your world in general and your beautiful quilting. Happy Camping. Jodie

  36. that's a lot of people to click their mouse buttons to get here! Congrats!
    I love reading your blog and seeing what you are working on...that's why I keep coming back!

  37. Hi Patty,
    congratulations on reaching this great milestone. It's great to visit you on your blog, share your quilting adventures and especially share your life and country. Blogging makes the world so much smaller and friendlier.

  38. 250,266
    Darn, I missed it, but YAY YOU!!! You passed it and are on your way to 300,000.

  39. I'm past the limit as well but that is my fault for not keeping up with blog reading as much as I would like 250382 so you are on your way to the next 250,000 by now, LOL.

    Congratulations, Patty and happy blogging in the future.

  40. 250,410! I read your blog because you produce beautiful quilts and you share parts of your life so, I, reading it get a feel for your life and where you live.

  41. I am new to all this "quilt blogging" but I am totally addicted! I love what you do! Congradulations

  42. Your blog is one of my favorites. It's always interesting and I love your quilts!

  43. Day(s) late and a dollar short *s* 250,454. Congrats on the milestone.
    It's such fun to see what you are working on - piecing, quilting, applique. Your tutorials are fantastic. And most of all it's fun to hear about those grandkids and the fun things they are doing.

  44. #250,510 ... man o man. Congrats on the milestone. When did you start?

    We must live close together, all your scenic pics are familiar places to me. I live in Happy Valley, easily confused with Clackamas. (As if ... )ha ha ha ...

    Guess I will pay a little more attention to my own blog. Life got in the way of fun for MANY month.

  45. Congratulations! I love visting your blog! I can't wait to see more!

  46. As I read your blog it's at 250,590 visitors - WOW!!
    I love visiting your blog because your passion for quilting really shines through and encourages me and gives me inspiration in my efforts :)

  47. 250,663 when I stopped by - so people have been gobbling up your words while you are out camping. Mountains sound wonderful to those of us down in the coastal plain/forest of Southeast Texas where it's been oppressively hot/humid, but I love living here (most of the time).

    I stop by your blog because, most times, I gain some inspiration, occassionally a wonderful tutorial for a lovely quilt, and sometimes, just a smile!

    Congrats on the milestone and thank you for sharing!

  48. 250,683 when I stopped by! Over the hump!

    I could almost say the same words as you are, on today's post (except the number of visitors)! How interesting this blogging has become to so many of us, and some days, I need we need ALL of each other!

    contrats on this huge number!

    A LOT of folks stop with no comment, don't they? 8-)

  49. Congratulations Patti on reaching 250,000!! Looks like I am 250,695.

    I have been away most of the summer - I have enjoyed reading about your trip along the Oregon coast - took me back to our trip there last October.

    Very cute little picture of Joseph! I hope you had a great camping trip!!

  50. Congrats on the milestone. I've had your blog in my favorites for a long coming to see what you are working on!

  51. Hi Patti,
    What a marvellous milestone - I am 250.761 - and you only posted this blog yesterday.
    Originally, A friend of mine suggested to come and visit your blog when you were redoing your sewing area- I am a fabric stash collector too and she wanted me to see that there were other people out there that loved and collected fabric as much as I did.LOL After I started visiting your blog I followed the links to others and I was hooked to looking and visiting the quilt blogs. My son helped me sign up so that I could comment on blogs and so far I am enjoying being a girl without a blog. It is an interesting world and there lots of people out there making wonderful quilts I have found it fun and inspiring to see what you and others have created. I hope that you enjoy many more visitors.
    Regards from Western Canadian Quilter,

  52. Wow, what an amazing number of visitors!! Love visiting your blog to see what you're up to!
