
Friday, June 13, 2008

Thank you Anne!

Anne at Carpe quiltem has given me two awards. My goodness - thank you so much Anne! I am very touched you thought of me! Visit Anne to see what she is up to. You can learn a lot about The Netherlands by reading her blog. Don't you just love the little flying witch in her header?

Today seemed like Saturday all day. Fred was golfing and working out in the morning, but since he wasn't working it sure seemed like Saturday. Wednesday was his last day of school for this year. He will report back about August 15th to start preparing for next years classes. In the meantime he will get in a lot of golf - his passion. Hopefully we will also get to go camping a bunch. Sure gas is expensive, but with neither of us driving to work we can afford to pull the tent trailer to our choice of many, many campgrounds throughout Washington and Oregon.

Last night I loaded a customer quilt onto Gandalf, and today I reached the halfway point in the quilting. Still doing well with my knee - hooray! I have another customer quilt to do after this one, and then I hope to get back to quilting some of my own. I've not had a UFO finish since March - that's WAY too long!

1 comment:

  1. I was up early this morning and was catching up on reading blogs. I am so sorry to hear about Shadow. It is very hard when a faithful companion leaves us but you know you have been there for each other. You are right to keep the memories of all those years. My DS's dog just died yesterday. See my blog.
