
Friday, June 20, 2008

A few days away

DH and I are heading out tomorrow morning for a short trip to the Oregon coast. Tomorrow is our 39th anniversary. We will head first to Tillamook where I will visit Jane's Fabric Patch, and then we'll head to the Tillamook cheese factory. A few years ago we took the full tour to see how the cheeses are made - absolutely fascinating! This time we're going for lunch and ice cream - Tillamook ice cream is some of the best! Then we'll head south. DH has agreed to stop at quilt shops along the way - what a guy! We have reservations for two nights in Newport - right on the beach with an ocean view. I'm so looking forward to the trip. It's been years and years since we've had a chance to do something like this - Shadow just wasn't healthy enough for us to take off and leave him.

I spent most of the last few days baby sitting - taking care of Joseph is so much fun! Rick's mom is currently battling a bad asthma attack so I did her Wednesday in addition to my Tuesday and Thursday. Our nice weather is back - finally! - so we walked to the park yesterday. They have a baby swing, and I was eager to see how he liked it. He just loved it, and laughed and laughed the entire time he was swinging. Next time I must take my camera!

Fred set up the camper in the driveway this week so we could get it cleaned out, the water tank drained of antifreeze, and the beds remade. Today I finally had a chance to wash the sheets and remake the beds with our new camping quilts. Don't they look great? I can hardly wait to sleep under them. It was so satisfying to put the filthy worn out 37 year old down sleeping bags into the garbage. We've been using them as blankets by opening them up and stretching them over the sheets, but the down was so lumped and clumped that they were mostly unsatisfactory. We'll put a couple more blankets in one of the storage benches for cold nights, but I imagine with the wool batting these quilts will be all we need for most nights.

Peg at Happy in Quilting has issued a UFO challenge. Anyone accepting the challenge is to change at least five unquilted tops - flimsies - into finished quilts by the end of July. I've thought about this challenge ever since she issued it - should I accept it or not? I've finally decided hey - what the heck - why not accept it. I certainly have enoughed finished flimsies! So, starting with the Irish chain I loaded onto Gandalf last Monday, I'm pushing myself to satisfy Peg's challenge. Hopefully this public acceptance will spur me on to success!

Once again I'm caught up on my blog reading. I just stopped commenting and started skimming so it wouldn't take another week or more. seems like I've said this before - I sure hope I can stay caught up this time! Now that I'm current I'll start commenting again. I really miss doing that! Have a great weekend, everyone, and I'll "see" you when I return early next week.


  1. Oh I do hope you read this comment before leaving! In Tillamook, you shouldn't miss the Latimer Quilt and Textile Center! It's right off the main road to the Tillamook Cheese Factory, and has lovely quilts, fabrics, and quilt pieces/squares for sale. They also have a large rooom filled with quilts (like a museum) and traveling exhibitions. It's a don't miss in my book! Here's the website -

    Oh! And on the website, I saw at the Tillamook County Fairgrounds there is a quilt show this weekend! Wow! I wish I was going to Tillamook this weekend!

  2. Congratulations on making it to 39 years wed - we have our 29th wedding anniversary next week. I don't think we'll be doing much as we have an Open Day for prospective house buyers on that day. Your trip sounds really exciting, I look forward to hearing about it in due course.

  3. Happy Anniversary! Have a great trip. Your camper looks great with the new quilts. It is a pop top? We are looking for one again here. We had one when it was just us. but sold it when we got our first mortgage! Now the girls are older we have taken them camping a few times and they love it!! Camper trailers are the way to go, more comfy than tents!

  4. Congratulations on the anniversary, ours will be 25 in August. When I Tillamok I wondered if it was the cheese and was surprised to see that it was. Lucky you, cheese and quilts! I love their sharp cheddar.
    Your camping quilts are wonderful, have you shown these before?

  5. Patti congratulations on 39 years married! That is amazing. Your trip sounds like it will be wonderful. And yes, your camping quilts look fabulous! Enjoy!

  6. Happy Anniversary. Love your camping quilts. Have a great trip.

  7. Oh that is so divine that you have camping quilts Patti! You are amazing - I have absolutely no doubt that you will finish 5 quilts by the end of July. Have a truly lovely holiday, and my very best well wishes for a 39th wedding anniversary - I think quilts must be the secret to your happy life! lily xx

  8. Hope you have a great trip. The quilts look nice in the camper. We have a camper trailer and I have made special quilts for that too and just gives it a touch of home that I love.

    Have fun and relax - you deserve it!

  9. Happy anniversary Patty! Have a lovely trip!
    The quilts look great in the camper.
    Jeanne :)

  10. Hope you have a great trip . . . that's a place I would love to visit one day. Well any place in Oregon, but Tillamook with that cheese factory is high on the list *s*

  11. Happy anniversary and a trip how exciting...your camper looks great..have a great time...

  12. Your camping quilts look great!

  13. Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful memorable trip! Your camper is so cozy, comfy cozy as my grandaughter would the quilts...

  14. Happy Anniversary, Patti. You will be so comfy under those pretty camp quilts.

  15. Happy Anniversary! Your camp quilts are great. I hope you had a nice trip. We did the cheese tour last summer and loved it.

  16. Hope your trip is fabulous. You will be cozy sleeping under those great quilts. You know of course that you are to blame for my obsession with that chaotic star quilt I'm wrestling with! Your inspirational posts on crumb blocks got me going and I'm hooked. I'll have a whole stack of new camping quilts by next summer!

  17. I hope my Mom's Staff at Jane's Fabric Patch treated you well.. Mom was with us on our family reunion in Montana when you were there.....The Cheese Factory is a must due everytime we go to Tillamook... Happy Quilting.. Ronda

  18. Hi Patti, thanks for the heads up on the newly made up camper beds *VBS*
    I snitched the pictures for the Orphan to get a posting done!
    Hope the camping trip was great fun...have a slice of that wonderful Tillamook cheese for me *VBS* We used to live in Hebo, OR while stationed at the mountain base there in the 60's. Loved that cheese! Hugs, Finn
