
Saturday, May 3, 2008

A sewing day!

Seems like I've had very little time to sew this week. Certainly not what I would have liked! I hope to change that today. The catch is trying to figure out what to do. Shall I continue to make Civil War Diaries blocks? Shall I catch up on Dear Jane? Shall I pin the Double Irish Chain on the longarm and finish the quilting? Shall I pin a top I want to hand quilt onto the longarm and get it basted? I'd love to choose "all of the above" but that's probably not the best idea!

I think I'll postpone the decision until I finish this morning's blog reading. By then my daughter will hopefully have called to let me know she's on her way to pick me up for coffee. Maybe when I get back from Starbucks one of the projects will be calling louder than the others.

I did separate all my Civil War Diaries blocks this morning into two piles - one for each book. I also stacked them in the order they appear in the books. Now that I know I'm making both quilts I want to focus on one book at a time, making the blocks in order so I can start stitching them together. So I've stashed the Love Letters blocks and book in a drawer where it will wait his turn. Before I did that, however, I took a picture of each set of blocks. I love how they all look together. I can't remember when I've had so much fun making blocks!
I'm also posting a picture of my early birthday present. Fred has it lucky - he's not had to go shopping for me for years. And I have it lucky too - he's perfectly happy for me to order what I want and call it my present. My birthday isn't until Wednesday so I handed him the boxes when they arrived from Z&S, and he told me to just open them anyway. I think he didn't want to have to wrap them LOL! I know I'm on a fabric diet, but I figure diets can be ignored on birthdays, right? The taller stack is the new "Plantation III" collection from Windham Hill. Eileen says these are all appropriate for the pre-1830's medallion period, and since lights for that period are very hard to find I figured this was a good investment. The darker stack is Jo Morton's "Yorktown" collection. I adore anything she does, so figured it was OK to order this one as I had stuck to my diet and didn't order the collection that came out before this one. How's that for rationalization LOL!


  1. Those blocks look just terrific, Patti, and I agree with you - lots of fun!! Happy Birthday for Wednesday - hope its s good one!!!
    Luv...Ann J

  2. Lovely birthday presents and lovely blocks!!! I have a friend trying to tempt me to do them and I ahve to say I am sorely tempted!!!

  3. What a great birthday present! A bit like the pjs I bought yesterday for mothers day next weekend!! Love your blocks.

  4. Of course you can't 'diet' on your birthday.

    Happy Birthday for Wednesday!!

  5. Nice birthday present Patti - that's my kind of "receiving" as well! Your Civil War and Love letter blockas are looking beautiful - I cannot believe you are doing both. Enjoy your coffee - I'm just waiting for the coffee maker to heat up and then I must iron my shirt, have my coffee and go to work - boo! hoo! hoo! - no blocks for me today! I love looking at your work Pattti - it's gorgeous!

  6. Your blocks are really lovely and I like the new look of your blog. Hope you had a great day.

  7. Patti
    I love your blocks, I just started the CWLL quilt last weekend, 5 down, um 116 to go! LOL
    dont you like gifting yourself? you always get what you want then! LOL


  8. The CW blocks look so good and you have made quite a few. I can't decide if I want to make two quilts or just one. Right now I am focusing on the CW Diary book.

  9. You did so much of both quilts !! They are beautiful !!

  10. The blocks are looking great all laid out together. The new fabrics are gorgeous. I have the same kind of arrangement with my DH for presents - makes for less stress all round :)
