
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Good morning!

I can't believe it's been over a week since I last posted. Where does the time go? Seems like there just wasn't much of anything to talk about. Seven days of baby sitting in a row really emphasized why God gives children to young people! I've not mentioned that I've been having trouble with my left knee since the end of March - both arthritis and bursitis - and the knee took a real beating chasing babies for a week straight. I wasn't able to walk without a limp, and had trouble sleeping due to the pain in spite of taking Ibuprofen several times a day. Wednesday morning I got a cortisone shot in that knee, which gave me relief almost immediately. There is still some pain now - I've probably been on it too much since the shot - but it is much better.

Not much to report in the way of quilting. I'm still working on the red and white quilt, sewing blocks and sashing together, so it isn't enough progress to justify posting a new picture. I have been doing some appliqué also, and that I can show you.
It's been over a year since I last worked on "It's a Wonderful Life" - Jan Patek's Girl Gang quilt for 2006-2007. It was almost finished - all I needed to do was appliqué the borders. I started cutting out the winter border for the bottom right corner, and decided I didn't like Jan's design. I got discouraged and just put it away. As it's one of the few unfinished tops remaining on my list I decided to get it out and finish it. I started with the spring border in the upper left corner, then moved on to the three stars that comprise the summer border. Unfortunately, while I was sitting in the recliner stitching away watching the Mariners lose yet another game I caught the quilt in the chair and ripped a small hole in it right below the stars. Thank goodness it is a primitive quilt! Apparently I've used the last of the gold and cream plaid when making this house block, so I had to patch it with something else. It's impossible to tell in the picture, but the patch is a narrow stripe of gold and cream. It looks a bit odd now, but should be more or less unnoticeable when the quilt is quilted. I said a few choice words when I discovered the tear, but I'm over the shock now.


  1. Patti, I love that quilt. I'm glad you are working on it again. The grandkids can really take their toll on your energy or lack of it. *s* But they are certainly worth it! Hope your knee is feeling better now.

  2. Hi Patti,
    Nice to see your Wonderful Life again! Mine's been sitting in almost-done limbo for ages now, too.
    I hear ya on the knee aches! Two total knee replacements took care of mine :)
    (The other) Jeanne

  3. patti i love your applique and your red/white beautiful! and your joseph and sophie are adorable! i'm glad to see their little photos on your blog so brag all you want grandma!

    cityquilter grace

  4. What a super quilt, I've not seen this one before, but I really love it. I do hope you manage to stick with it and get it finished, it'll be such a shame to hide it away again.

    Isn't it the worst thing about getting older - that you don't feel any different except when your body keeps reminding you.

  5. Love the quilt! I understand when those mishaps and oooppps happen while working on a project. It is amazing how creative you can get fixing them!
    Enjoy those grandchildren too. May cause some wear and tear on the old body but it sure does keep the spirit young.

  6. What a blip! Good patch job though - you can't see a thing! I would have definitely been semi-hysterical. Abby and I are reading Little Women at the moment and we've just read the part where marmee describes her terrible temper and how she presses her lips together to control it - I think I would have almost bitten mine off, if I'd put a hole in such a fabulous quilt!

  7. If you can't see any problem now I doubt anyone will ever notice and you may even forget.

    Ahh, the knees. I hate theat my knees are starting to ache a bit too. And I don't even have grand-children yet!

    Hope you stay pain free.

  8. This quilt looks very nice, and patches should be OK, only a little more sewing to do. I'm sorry to hear about your knee, I share that problem with you. I just had my knee injected with another medicine, it should keep the pain nearly away for a year.

  9. Oh Patti!!! This quilt is gorgeous. So pleased you are going to finish it. Never mind the patch, that's what patchwork is all about LOL
    I've not seen this design before, but it's really lovely (as are your red and white blocks!)

  10. Love this quilt! You did a great patching job...I can't find it!

  11. What a beautiful Quilt!
    Kind regards,

    Sonnja & Beertje Zonn
    from the Netherlands
