
Saturday, March 8, 2008

A new look - and a little bit more

When I was working I swore there weren't nearly enough hours in a day for everything I needed to do. Now that I'm retired I'm still swearing that's the truth. I mentioned that to my daughter this morning when we went to coffee. Her response? "Does that surprise you?" Of course not, but I thought it would be better than when I worked. I'm not sure it is - how did I ever manage to work!

I'm quilting a very large, difficult customer quilt right now that I must take a little at a time. Most quilts start talking to me as I'm putting them on the machine, telling me how they want to be quilted. This one isn't doing that, so it's somewhat of a struggle. I'm plugging on little by little, with faith that it will start talking to me pretty soon.

In the meantime I'm visiting a little with the kids and Joseph almost every day. It's so hard to stay away from that precious little boy. What a sweet, happy child he is!

Thursday was my regular monthly appointment to get my hair cut and colored. I hate my hair - it's so limp, straight and baby fine. There aren't many choices as to what I can do with it. Seems like I've worn it more or less the same way for years and years. I arrived at the appointment a little early. Kelly, whose done my hair for years and years, was finishing the women whose appointment was just before mine. She was more or less my age, and wore her hair the way so many older women wear it these days - short and spiked. It really looked good on her - that hair style looks good on so many older women. I happened to hear Kelly say, "this is a perfect style for your fine straight hair." When I got in the chair I asked her whether or not that style would work for me. "Absolutely!" was her reply. I asked her whether it would look good on me - she assured me it would. So I made an immediate, spur-of-the-moment decision. "Do it!" I told her.

Well, this is very different than I've ever worn my hair before. It didn't look like me at all when she was done. I like it! And it's so easy to do. I have no talent when it comes to hair, but this I can do. My husband likes it. My daughter doesn't like it at all. She thought I forgot to comb it before I came over LOL! My son will probably hate it too. Chelsea , if you are reading this you might warn him LOL!

I have managed to clean up my sewing room and spend a little bit of time on a project or two of my own. I'll have pictures of them soon - right now I'm still learning about my new camera. I don't want to connect it to the computer again until I figure out how to delete the pictures that have already been downloaded. I certainly don't need to download the pictures I've already taken for the third time LOL!

1. A beautiful sunny morning
2. Tasty leftovers for dinner
3. Bright spring pansies in front of the grocery store
4. A new rotary cutter blade
5. A relaxing pedicure and the resulting pretty red toe nails


  1. I LOVE it! I like to spike mine in the summer..but it GROWS so fast that I cannot do it for long! I may get to see your Mariners play next week. My son has 3 half days for teacher conferences. I will have to DRAG him to a game...can you believe I have to drag a kid to a ball game!!?? He does not want to see anyone but the Red Sox...and THEY are still in Florida!

  2. I like it Patti!! Very hip and modern :)))

  3. Your new doo is really cute! Your daughter is just jealous!! LOL I am getting my hair whacked is past the middle of my back, past the required 10" for Locks of Love. I grow it out in memory of a dear pal who passed away several years ago. This is the last time I will do this...I am too old for hair this long and it takes me FOREVER to deal with it each day.

    Love your new doo...but my hair is too thick and too kinky to do that...will have to think of something else.


  4. don't know how you looked before, but you look very 2008 to me now!
    I like the hair a lot!

  5. What a cute hair cut! I love it!

  6. I think that is a great cut and it looks terrific on you! Looks like "wash & go" hair and when you don't have a lot of extra time on your hands, it's a great solution.

  7. I love it. Very à la mode je pense.

  8. OMG Patti I LOVE your hair! It is just wonderful. You know I say that every day...How did I ever work, where did the day go? Oh I love being retired...but if I could find more time I'd jump at the chance.

  9. I love your new 'do! Looks great on you. I changed my mind once, spur of the moment, when I was in the chair and it did not turn out well at all. *hehe* I'm glad you had a good experience.

  10. Patti, your new hairdo is great! I think it looks terrific on you.

  11. Great new Doo, Patti, and just what so many of us need-easy and fast to care for!

  12. Love the hair do! Good for you to try something new - very brave!

  13. Great new hair do, wish I could wear mine like that!!! Question, what in the world would we do with more hours in a day?????????Wouldn't we just work/play ourselves to death..........I don't need more hours, I need less work... You know housework, cooking, etc,etc, then we could play more!! Does that sound like a plan to you??? LOL.... J

  14. Oh! Your hair looks GREAT. Do you use anything on it to make it spike?? I really enjoyed reading about your sidebar rearranging but sorry that blogger can't handle each chunk in one bite, silly blogger.

  15. It looks great and for those of us who don't see you everyday it looks very natural on you. That is YOU!
