
Friday, March 21, 2008

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

Yesterday I morning I headed to the credit union to deliver the monster Oriental quilt to my customer. She is a good friend, a former coworker and our financial planner. It was so odd to be back in the building where I spent so many working years! She loved the way it turned out - said she had goose bumps all over looking at it. It was the most amazing response I've ever had from a customer when they saw their quilted top. Seeing her joy with my work made all those hours worthwhile. I'm so very glad she liked it! This is a very special quilt to her. In all the years she's been quilting this is the first time she's picked a pattern and special fabrics to make something special for herself. It's going to look fabulous on her bed.

Murphy's Law was definitely at work here this week - it just made me laugh out loud to see it in operation. After I mailed away all those scraps a couple weeks ago here came one of my Tangled Threads friends with a box of plaids. She has been cleaning out her sewing room and is getting rid of things she knows she won't use. Since I love plaids she brought all she had to me! Many of them are repeats of pieces I have in my stash already - plaids from at least 15 or more years ago. So, did I turn them down? Of course not! One can never have too many plaids LOL!


  1. Hi Patti, just popping in to say have a wonderful Easter with your newly enlarged family *VBS*
    Wonderful pictures of Joseph and Sophie together...what fun they will have over the years.
    I see some Roberta Horton plaids in you newly acquired piles...LOL, I have many of the same ones, and no, you can NEVER have too many plaids.
    Good going on all the Civil War blocks, they are looking just great..can't wait to see the quilt. Big hugs, Finn

  2. No such thing as too many plaids *s*

  3. I'm jealous! Love plaids myself! Have fun working with them!

  4. Oh yes - plaids are just wonderful. I will like to see what you do with them.

  5. Oh how wonderful! All these wonderful plaid quilts I'm seeing these days. I have got to make a plaid quilt.

  6. these are nice plaids...they will feel right at home in your stash!

  7. I'm so happy your friend loved the way her Oriental quilt turned out... but how could anyone not be pleased with your clever work on it ? :>)

    Can't wait seeing what will come out of those plaids !

    HAPPY EASTER, Pam ! (and thanks for your -always encouraging- words on my blog...


  8. Happy Easter. A plaid quilt, I will put it on my list today!

  9. Plaids are wonderful I just used the last of mine. I need to go on a quest for more.

  10. How funny that you've gotten more fabrics so effortlessly :-) ; must be karma or kismet or synchronicity or something. How wonderful about the goose bumps!!

  11. I love plaids too. Love to use them in the primitive that I have done earlier.
    Want to let everyone know how much fun I am having with the scraps you sent me. Making crumbs blocks like crazy.
    Just think, if you had sent me more than you did what the result would have been? Maybe pounds and pounds of more fabric. LOL Hugs to you.

  12. You can never have too many plaids-but funny for the just gave away scraps!! Had they left a hole? LOl Tracey

  13. You are lucky! I just love plaids, too. My stash has grown to enormous amounts by the same method; people know I can't say no and they can empty their cupboards to my sewing room giant boxes. I must join the Fabric diet and stop buying anything but thread and batting!

  14. What a wonderful collection of plaids!
    Hope you had a lovely Easter Patti.

  15. You did a excellent quiltings on your friend's Oriental quilt.
    I tried to read what it said on a fabric. Those are Japanese old quotes and famous old phrases, I think.*S*
