
Monday, March 3, 2008

Joseph's Homecoming

Our little guy is finally home and adjusting well! It's very hard for Grandma to stay home and let them bond into a little family of three - I want to be over there cuddling him all the time! He's such a happy little guy - with a smile that lights up the entire room. All three of them are tired - not at all surprising! The trip to Guatemala and back was certainly stressful for Rick and Rebecca so neither of them slept well. Trying to negotiate through LAX when no one seemed to be able to tell them where they should be - trying to find the proper gate for their LAX to Guatemala City connection and learning the name of the airline was entirely different than what was listed on their itinerary - standing in line forever at immigration and almost missing their flight home - having their luggage miss the flight home - bad airline food - no wonder they were tired and stressed! I think of the three of them it was the least stressful on Joseph. However, having so many new relatives all wanting to cuddle and hold him immediately was hard on the little guy - and he let us know when he'd had enough.

They spent Saturday at Rick's folks' house as it was his mom's birthday, so I headed back to our retreat at the beach. Yesterday our side of the family got together at R&R's. This time was more relaxing for everyone, and we all had fun getting to know Joseph. Sophie and Joseph pretty much ignored each other as babies that age will do. Joseph was smiling and laughing for all of us most of the afternoon. He is busy exploring his new environment - and learning to wear shoes for the first time! They kept getting in his way when he was trying to change positions. Today he gets his first American check-up at the doctor's - he probably isn't going to like that.

The most frustrating thing for me was the fact that my camera has decided to act up - at the most awful time it possibly could. It's several years old and I guess it's showing it's wear - neither of the batteries will hold a good charge any more. I constantly missed getting pictures of grins, smiles, laughter and cute baby activities because it wouldn't respond quickly when I pressed the shutter. I know the kids will send me good pictures when they have a chance - in the meantime I'll post the best of all those I took - and they aren't very good. Not a single good picture of Rick and Rebecca with their new son! I guess I'd better start looking for a new camera.

1. A safe trip for Rebecca, Rick and Joseph
2. A healthy, happy new grandson
3. A wonderful beach retreat with quilty friends
4. Lots of crab to eat!
5. Sunny blue skies most of the weekend


  1. Joseph is a doll! Congratulations to you all!

  2. That story is so sweet! I'm sure everyone is glad the wait is over! It is nice to know that he is welcomed in such a great family.

  3. Congrats to all, I'm sure they were happy when they finally got hold of him and left to get on the plane.

    Shoes aren't that important...I spend 98% of my time barefoot!

  4. Look at Joseph crawling on the quilt that you made him! He is absolutely precious. Your family has been in my thoughts and prayers for the past week. Hooray! Joseph is finally home.

    Becky in Georgia

  5. He's home -he's finally home! It's been a long road for all of you. Now the kids can turn a page and start a new chapter.

  6. Congrats to everyone . . . what an exciting and joy filled time for the entire family *s*

  7. Oh I"m so glad that Joseph is home! And look at him! I love those 2 pictures you posted! It may not be a pic of all 3 of them - but you can just see how content Joseph is! I"m so glad he is finally home!

  8. congratulations on the new grandson! What a doll!!

    About the batteries - I found that instead of replacing the camera I replaced my rechareable batteries - made a world of difference. I guess the batteries just have so many recharges in them before they give out. My camera is 12 years old - works like new one - I've had to replace the rechargeable batteries about 3 times since I got it.

  9. So great to see Sophie and Joseph together! And Joseph is so cute on his quilt that Grandma made!

  10. How sweet! We welcomed our daughter (from Guatemala, also) almost 14 years ago! I'm in the process of making her a memory quilt. I know you've been enjoying your grandchildren. I hope to be a grandma one day!
