
Monday, February 25, 2008

Marathon quilting and movie session

Sometimes I have the urge to do a movie marathon of old or not-so-old favorites. Last Friday I watched all five Harry Potter movies while I stitched the binding on our Crumb Chaos bed quilt and finished the hand stitching on the rest of the pot holders for the Fort Vancouver kitchen. This weekend I quilted the last two crumb chaos quilts so yesterday evening and today I watched all three Lord of the Rings movies while I hand stitched the binding on those quilts. No real point in posting full pictures of either of them - especially since I don't have enough quilt holders here for decent pictures. They look much like the rest of the Crumb Chaos quilts.

I'm happy to report that all seven large quilts and one small quilt are now finished. The next UFO I complete will be something else entirely. That must wait however, until I finish the curtains for Joseph's room and quilt the waiting customer quilt.
Our kids are in flight right now on their way to Guatemala via Los Angeles. I was amazed to hear that Rick slept well last night. Rebecca was way too excited and only managed to doze a bit. They have a bit of a layover in LA - the flight to Guatemala leaves at 1:00 a.m. - UGH! By the time we get up in the morning, however, they should have their son in their arms once again. They got new pictures via email just this morning, so we have those to hold us until they arrive on Friday afternoon.

1. Daffodils blooming along with our crocus and snowdrops!
2. Leftovers for dinner - easy!
3. Online flight tracking
4. Lots of finished UFO's crossed off


  1. One of my husband's friends at work adopted a little girl from Guatemala recently! As a matter of fact, last night I was sewing the rows together for her quilt! Congratulations! He is adorable!

  2. I don't know how you can had stitch binding for that long! My hand totally cramps up on me. I know you were motivated being tired of these crumb quilts. I think they have been great projects. Kudos for getting them done!

  3. I can feel the excitement in your words as you eagerly await Joseph's arrival! Excellent progress on the UFO pile--retirement suits you! LOL

  4. I love to throw in movies and semi-watch them while I am sewing. I just purchased a box set of Indian Jones. Me, Harrison Ford and a sewing machine - could it get any better?

  5. OMG, Patti, Joseph is coming home - woohoo! He's such a beautiful boy - you are going to have so much fun.

  6. Great job finishing the UFO's. I wish I could say that too. We have watch the first two Harry Potter's again. My hubby is reading the books so as soon as he finishes one he wants to watch the movie. I think he is almost done with book three. Good luck to your family with getting your new grandson.

  7. Patti I am so excited for you to finally be able to hold Joseph. I know the waiting is hard but it will be worth the wait. He is adorable! He and Sophie will have fun growing up together...I know Kirsten and Estyn have...cousins add so much to the mix. Also a new baby on the way...grandchildren do seem to come in bunches.

  8. Glad to know Joseph will be in your arms soon, the wait will have beeen worth it. Hug him for all of us in blogland. I couldn't be happier for your family!J

  9. I'm a disaster movie junkie. My favorite days are a string of disaster movies while I hand quilt or machine sew.

    I'm having a "retreat night" with a friend on Friday, the movies will be on and our machines will be humming from just after dinner until we drop, the plan is to work until morning.

    Great job on getting all those UFO's done!

  10. Great job on the crumb quilts - you are an inspiration! Are there any blocks left to seed more???

    Thanks for sharing the process.

    doni in nebraska

  11. Wow! All those quilts -- how impressive! A grand job well done!

  12. Patti Your work is wonderful. And congrads on the new grandbaby. He is adorable. OK I started the 3rd quilt top. Not much compared to the quantity you put out. Keep it up gal . Hope to get to see you later this year. Take care

  13. A successful 'workathon' -- Great job - you stuck with it a LONG time.

    Beautiful child, after a long wait!

  14. Wanna know a little secret (okay, around here I wear it more like a badge of honor *s*) I have never seen a Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or Star Wars movie.
    How exciting to know that little Joseph will be home with you soon.

  15. How excited everyone must be to be so have to having Joseph home! I love the crumb quilts. You did a wonderful job of finishing UFOs and I hope some of that diligence wears off on me.

  16. Yeah! Joseph's almost home! Can't wait to see pictures of him in Grandma's arms!

  17. HUGE CONGRATS on finishing up all your crumb quilts. 7 large and 1 smaller is a tremendous achievement - esp when you consider that it is from pieces that some quilts would throw away!! They don't know what they are missing :)

  18. Oh this latest picture of Joseph is sooo adorable! Won't it be fun to watch Sophie and Joseph play and grow up together now! Boy next Christmas is going to be a blast!
