
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Taking a break from quilting

In the first 15 days of 2008 I have quilted, bound and labeled four flimsies. My plan is to do at least that many more before the end of the month. Today, however, I decided I needed a break from quilting. I started by straightening out the sewing room - cataloging the new quilting books, putting them away, and putting away the mid-century album quilt for now. It is so good to see the top of my cutting table again!

Last fall I partially pieced a camping quilt for Rick and Rebecca from the Crumb Chaos blocks. Today I finished sewing enough blocks together. It's now laid out and waiting for their choice of border fabrics. They are coming over tonight to play cards so that decision will be made soon. Tomorrow I'll put on the borders and then this will go next in line for Gandalf after Joseph's quilt.

This quilt top used 156 Crumb Chaos blocks, and is double bed size. That leaves me only 860 more blocks! I wonder how many tops I can get out those!

I started quilting Joseph's quilt this morning and have made a little progress. Should be able to finish that in the next couple days.



1. A tasty frozen Healthy Choice meal for lunch
2. Progressing with my hand quilting
3. An extra long 120" tape measure
4. A beautiful frozen world this morning
5. A juicy orange


  1. I knew you couldn't go too long before doing a bit more organizing/cleaning/sorting!


  2. Holy Moly! 860 more crumb blocks??? um at least more than 5quilts methinks! it looks fantastic! well done on four finishes for the year.. I have had one and it was only on a technicality cause it had no binding finished! LOL


  3. Wow Patti, I'm still amazed that you made so many crumb blocks - there will be many more crumb quilts in your future. You're getting so much done, good work!

  4. You have been busy. What a great quilt. I remember when you made all those blocks. They will get used up quickly.

  5. Looks good! That's a lot of blocks! Did you want some of my crumbs? I can share you know! lol Keep well!

  6. Love you Crumb Chaos quilt! I really need to make a crumb quilt, but I think my crumbs are really crumbs! Hardly a strip in the box. What do you think I should do? Toss the box of miniscule pieces and work on things with more substance or save the box (and keep adding more tiny pieces) for someday when I don't have any other project (I can't imagine such a day.)

    You're outing with Pam sounded fun! And mentioning Lake Oswego! When I was in college I'd go through there regularly since one of my roommates parents lived there. Ahh memories!

  7. Good for you for taking a day off and cleaning a little. Unfortunately, I take more days off that on with the sewing! My real JOB just gets in the way! :)

  8. You have been incredibly productive - being retired looks good on you! :-) Love your Crumb Chaos blocks/quilts.

  9. You have been incredibly productive - being retired looks good on you! :-) Love your Crumb Chaos blocks/quilts.

  10. Wow, what a great start to the new year!! Good job!

  11. I'm sure you did need a little break, you have been very busy lately. The quilt looks lovely! That is alot of blocks!!!

  12. That is so fun seeing the border fabric choices on the quilt like that for them to pick from! Now how fun would that be! I love the quilt. I"ve decided to work a bit more on my string blocks at a quilting weekend next weekend too! I was doing strings but I might just cahnge my mind and do crumb chaos blocks!

  13. So, what does it mean "camping quilt"? Surely not a quilt to take camping -- that quilt is WAY too pretty for that!

  14. Hi - this is my first visit to your blog and I must say, it is very interesting. I enjoyed reading your posts and the tutorial on the crumb blocks - that was a new one for me. I also like your list of projects and would like to add something like that to my blog, but not sure how it is done. Guess I need to do a little studying. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Patti,
    That quilt is GORGEOUS!!! I also lvoe the green borders on the quilt in the previous post. It really draws the eye in. Great work!

  16. Beautiful quilt! I really like the colors. I like the idea of using scraps. I hate to throw any fabric away!

  17. Sometimes you do just need a "day off". Love that crumb block quilt!

  18. It feels good to be organized when you are quilt. Great looking Crumb quilt.

  19. I love your crumb quilt. There is enough rosey red that ties it all together like it was planned! Wow!

  20. You've still got 860 blocks left?? Amazing. I love colourful scrap quilts like that.
