
Monday, December 31, 2007

Thank you Hanne!

I love the fabric diet badge I've added to my sidebar. That describes just what I want to do - control my buying just like i hope to control my eating! Doesn't mean no fabric at all - after all, I'm not starving myself. It means using good judgement when I shop or eat! Curb the impulses, stick to what's healthy for both my body and my stash, and focus on eating or buying what I really need - not want!


  1. Well stated! A fabric diet, but not fabric starvation! Happy New Year, Patti!

  2. I love that badge will have to fiqure out how to put it on my blog.
    Well stated we can't starve now can we?
    I got a pedometer and have been working on doing the 10,000 steps a day ....
    if I go out its not a problem with 10,000 steps when I stay home I only reach the 7,000 range....
    so guess I need to be out more!
    not good for the sewing goals!
    balance will be the key, just like in my fabric shopping :)

  3. I love without starvation! It really does work for losing weight, I lost weight that way.....wonder if I can control my fabric buying with that same mindset? And good luck with the table runners! I KNOW you can finish them! The one in the picture is gorgeous! Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year, Patti!
    Are you all done with work now?

  5. I have the same badge - hopefully it works like magic :)

  6. Nicely said, diet without starvation. Sometimes we need a little piece of fabric. I'm going to have to get that badge.
