
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Checking in for a moment . . . .

Time seems to be whizzing by faster and faster. I now have only 6 more working days left! I've done very little sewing lately. I meant to sew all weekend - instead I pretty much sat and read Christmas stories from old Regency anthologies.

For those of you not familiar with Regencies - the first Regency novels were those written by Jane Austen, who lived through the Regency period herself. (This was the time when the Prince Regent - affectionately called "Prinny" - ruled England because his father was unfit to rule - the early 1800's. This is the time of the wars with France and Napoleon.) A more modern Regency author was Georgette Heyer, who wrote in the early to mid 20th century. Regencies are romances known for their wit, and always feature characters from the cream of British society - dukes, earls, etc. - as well as the "landed gentry". They are sweet romances your daughters could read - no sex at all - just sweet stories and make you cry, smile, and feel all warm inside. I have many Christmas anthologies, and often reread them this time of year.

I do want to show you my last project - an apron for my daughter-in- law for her birthday. Doesn't she look great! By now it's probably been initiated with flour, etc. from Chelsea's Christmas baking.


  1. The gifts that begin being used right away are the best of all *s*

  2. I love the apron! I need to make some for my mom, she is a cook on a tugboat that pushes barges up and down the riverways. She has to cook 3 full meals a day, so I'm sure she could use some.

  3. Hey, great apron! My daughter has asked for an apron for Christmas and I have found some gorgeous Mexicana fabric featuring Frida Kahlo. I'm really looking forward to making something as fabulous as yours!

    I remember a phase of Georgette Heyer too. *aaaah* sweet pleasures...

    I'm reading a biography of William Wilberforce right now - a more serious take on the Regency period.

  4. Love the apron :)

    I like to reread the Little House on the Prairie books around Christmas each year because when I was, oh.. probably 10, someone sent me The Long Winter and I read it over Christmas. I lived on the equator at the time and couldn't comprehend anyone being so cold or that there were places in the world that got that much snow. Reading those books takes me back.

  5. I have every Georgette heyer...faithfully collected from old book shops over a 10 year period...then they went and reprinted them all pretty!
    I have tried Stephanie laurens-very much a knock off, readable but, bot, would georgette roll over about the gratuitous s**!!! Sad when you are flicking through it to get back to the story.
    I reread Goergette quite frequently, like having a coffee with an old friend.
    Which heroine is your favourite and did you spend your life looking for Damarel, the Nonesuch or the Duke of Avon? tells a lot about a girl! Tracey

  6. Oh what fun! (The apron). But the sound of those stories sounds like great fun too! I"ve just been reading some silly fun books lately!

  7. She looks cute as a button! *S* Happy Retirement Patti!

  8. That's a great apron Patti. I love to read too, but prefer variety.

  9. Cute apron. I need to look into getting some of those books! Since I stay home now, I have plenty of time to read. :)

  10. Hi, glad I found your blog, I learned something already! I love Jane Austin. I'd never heard of "Regencies" before. Would love to know more, could you steer me in the right direction? AND, the apron and your DIL are adorable! Happy Holidays :-)

  11. sweet apron! I knew you would cave on Bonnie's mystery! I have a few strips sewn-Christmas has taken over everywhere in my house now. Have the happiest of holidays! Pretty soon Joseph will be home and you will have all the time in the world for being a doting grandma and sewing!
