
Friday, November 16, 2007

When it rains it pours - and a big announcement!

That's what happens when I don't blog for awhile - I have just too much to say LOL!

One more piece of news - one of the biggest, in fact. Yesterday I gave my official retirement notice at work - letter of resignation and everything else. My last day is January 4th - a little over six months early. When I take into account the vacation days I have scheduled between now and then I have only 25 more working days left.

You can't begin to imagine how completely excited I am about this. I have so many plans! Grandchildren, quilting, reading, gardening volunteering, learning to knit socks - those are only a few of my ideas. I think I'll be busier than I've been when I've been working!


  1. Oh my gosh! Now that is super exciting!

  2. WOWWEE!! I am sooo happy for you! Now you get to start livin, and just in time for a new grandson - you're one happy lady! Congratulations!

  3. Wow - lots of news to catch up on. I'm sure your retirement will be great and by the sounds of it you'll wonder how you ever had time to work - lol !! Little Joseph is beautiful - what a wonderful addition to your family !

  4. Well this is definitely news to say "Congrats" to. How wonderful it feels, I remember when I was retired. The freedom was wonderful! So happy for you!

  5. Congratulations on your upcoming retirement! You're certain to enjoy it!

  6. Congratulations on your retirement -- you'll be so busy you'll wonder how you ever had time to work! And wonderful news on your new grandson.

  7. Wow - no wonder you have so much to post about. First the newest member of your family - grandbaby Joseph - and now retirement very, very soon! Could like get any better?! I'm so happy for you.

  8. More incredible news! Congratulations, Patti.

  9. Hurrah and congratulations. I guarantee you will be busier and more peaceful all at the same time. Retirement is truly a blessing for quilters and other busy women.

  10. Congratulations!! You will LOVE being retired! Also, congratulations on the new grandson. He's a cutie!

  11. WooHoo! Congratulations!!! Tons of new posts for you!!!

  12. Groan... I'm SO jealous. I have 20 odd years to go and I'm ready NOW.

  13. BRAVO ! Congratulations, Patti, I'm soooo happy for you !

    Hugs & smiles,

  14. I like your rainfalls - a new grandson, a gorgeous granddaughter and retirement! Time to party!

  15. I know you are super excited!!

  16. congrats! BTW All of the retirees that I know are busier now that when they worked...

  17. What exciting news and a great start to the new year!! Enjoy - you'll wonder how you had time to go to work :)

  18. That is sooooooooooo very are going to LOVE it! I am so happy for you!

  19. Hi, Patti, a hearty congratulations on your retirement, what could be better??

  20. WoW!! Now you can really get soem serious quilting have noly been playing up to now, LOL!!
    So pleased for your family that Joseph is now so close, you have so much to be Thankful for, Tracey

  21. that was "some" and "only"-I was excited for you!!!
