
Friday, November 16, 2007

Introducing Joseph Logan

Our daughter and son-in-law received word a couple days ago that little Diogenes Santiago is now legally theirs. His name is now Joseph Logan - Joseph for my father Logan for Logan Pass in Glacier National Park. Joseph is also Fred's middle name, and was his father's middle name, and Jo (after my dad) is my middle name. Finally Joseph was picked because it is the name of Christ's earthly father, and is a favorite name of Rick's. So Joseph is a very meaningful name in both families.

The final steps involve getting a new birth certificate containing his new name and new nationality, which is now a 4 week process due to all the red tape - and then getting his American passport and visa, which will take another week or so. However, as of Wednesday he is legally theirs, so I can finally post pictures. I've waited such a long time to be able to do this!

At birth

Three weeks old

Two months old

Four months old

Five months old

Seven months old

The last picture is from their October update. A November update should be coming any time now. He's a very happy baby who hardly ever cries. This grandma can hardly wait to get her arms around him!


  1. Oh what wonderful news!!!! And look at the smile! I"m glad things are slowly moving forward!

  2. Congratulations on the safe arrival (nearly) of your new grandson. He looks so smiley and gorgeous, and I hope you might get him hme for Christmas.

  3. He is adorable!!! Congratulations!!! How often do they get to see him?

  4. Oh Patti, that's incredible news! I can imagine your excitement however the excitement that your daughter and son-in-law must be feeling has to be over the top.
    Congratulations to all and the story behind his name is great.

  5. oh my GOODNESS! Is he precious or WHAT??? As an adoptive mom, I remember that WAIT! (and ours was not long by others standards!) I call my son ' the best Christmas present I ever waited for!"

  6. Congratulations on your new family addition...he is beautiful!

  7. Congrats on the final word! He looks like a nice healthy boy!

  8. He's beautiful!! Congrats to his family!!

  9. He is gorgeous!! Congratulations to you Grandma!! and to your family!

  10. Congratulations all around . . . he's absolutely darling *s*

  11. That is the most exciting news...I am soooooo sooooo happy for you. This is all just the very best news.

  12. Cute, cute. I love the first and last photos the best. Congratulations at last! So you haven't seen him yet in person, right?

  13. Oh phew, that is cutting it close with December being the cut-off. With all the paperwork finalized you all must be soooo relieved! Congratulations!


