
Monday, October 1, 2007

More than 2" squares!

Today I tried sewing more than 2" squares. It was so nice! My shoulder is definitely protesting so I need to stop for the day, but it was so great to work on a new project for awhile!

Since the Happy Jack pieces were all cut to size it was easy to sew them together. Once again I used Bonnie Hunter's webbing technique, which helped this go together really quickly! Then I cut out the stem and face - all ready for hand applique. I'll try doing that this afternoon. As long I use short threads I should be OK - I just can't pull through a long thread when my arm won't move above my waist.

I've really missed my sewing!


  1. Congratulation! I'm sewing daily, so I understand very well - enjoy!
    Brigitte from Poland

  2. I am so happy for you that you got to sew for a bit!
    this is so cute, can't wiat to see it done.
    I know how hard this is for you not sewing but in the long run taking it easier is the best thing you can do for yourself.
    hope hand appliquing will be easier for you
    Kathie in NJ

  3. It's really cute, but I'm amazed you're sewing at all. Just remember to take it slowly though and hopefully you'll be back sewing properly soon.

  4. I love Happy Jack, he has really turned out wonderfully!!

  5. Happy Jack looks very cute.
    Take things one step at a time.

  6. The pumkin is soo cute. Boy you are really organized now. Hope you can keep it that way. Great that you can start sewing again.

  7. What a wonderful Jack'O Lantern! You are right back in the saddle again--well almost! You must want to sew again really bad to put up with that pain!

  8. Woo Hoo - she's sewing! Now just take it easy otherwise you'll be back where you started.

  9. He's great, but take it easy, please don't do too much and make your arm worse.

  10. My frozen shouler is just now coming out of the dark. Since April. Heck, I can even shave my pit now! hahaha, I know, TMI. But this is all without therapy, I work 10 hour days and no one has hours I can make!

    Happy Jack is just adorable. Take it easy, I'm wishing you the best of thoughts!

  11. That is great news that you are sewing again :)

  12. It's wonderful to read that you are sewing again! Glad that you are getting better. Keep well!

  13. Oh Patti! Everytime I read about your shoulder I just ache. Please don't over do it! Happy Jack is sure happy!

  14. Your Jack quilt looks very cute! I cut out squares tonight to sew one similar. VBG

  15. Glad to hear you're up to a bit more sewing Patti - and you are now VERY organised! Good luck getting the MRI sorted out too.

  16. Happy Jack looks great! I'm sure it was great getting sew again, but be careful! A little at a time is the key.

  17. I think I have a fairly similiar pattern for that 'punkin' wall hanging from a long ago fall quilt retreat. Your studio looks fantastic, Patti, but hurray for actually getting to use it a bit---and knowing your limitations with that bunged up shoulder.

    Glad to hear that you are on the mend or as much as one can be if surgery is being discussed.

  18. I am sorry your arm has been so painful :( That is not good for people like us! I wish you the best in it healing quick. Your pumpkin is adorable! I love it, and that is nice it came all cut out for you too.

  19. Happy Jack is just wonderful! I know it's hard to take it easy when you want to sew sew sew but take it easy -- it will mean getting back to full steam that much faster!!! I love the organization in your sewing room -- oh my, all the projects to make!
