
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Crumb Chaos blocks

Apparently while I was away at retreat there was a bit of a stir about a photo tutorial I posted in July. This tutorial showed how I made blocks by combining crumbs and strings into an oddball variation on a log cabin block.

I incorrectly attributed this method to a woman who wrote an article published in The American Quilter magazine several years ago. This woman also publishes a pattern under the same name as the title of her article. I have learned that the tutorial I posted doesn't resemble her method. There are differences. Not surprising, considering it has been years since I read the article and I've never seen the pattern. I read the article again approximately one month after my post, and realized that my blocks were made quite differently from hers. She herself has pointed out to me that what I have done is NOT her pattern.

I have removed both her name and the name of her pattern from every post and every comment where it appeared. Since my blocks are done differently I've given them a name. "Crumb Chaos Blocks" fits them perfectly in my opinion. The tutorial on my sidebar is for my "Crumb Chaos Blocks". Please feel free to share this tutorial with whomever you like by sending them a link to my blog. If you have linked to this tutorial anywhere on your blog or a web page, please make sure you refer to it by the name "Crumb Chaos Blocks" instead of it's former name.

I apologize to this woman for the grief I have inadvertently caused her in trying to give her credit for something that is not hers. I also apologize to all the readers who commented on my post who received a communication about my tutorial. I sincerely hope that all problems concerning this have now been resolved.


  1. honest mistake Patti, don't fret about it.
    Hey, I give you loads of credit for doing the right thing and giving someone credit and not claiming it as your own.

  2. I'm sorry for the part I played in this. When I gave you the information from the AQS magazine I just assumed you were using her technique due to the identical name for it. I didn't reread the article to compare the two and hadn't read it since the month the magazine arrived.
    I thought you were being very honest by trying to give her credit.

  3. You are a very gracious and generous soul Patti. Thanks for your example.

  4. I thought most people complained because they WEREN'T given credit for doing something. VBG Hope the trouble is behind you now.

  5. Although the title Mile a Minute is used by other people (I have a book that describes a method of quilting in sections named that; as well as a method of crochet) I think changing your tutorial title to crumb piecing is a good idea. It's just my opinion but I think she was trying to claim she invented the technique of crumb piecing. Whatever happened to quilting being a craft that expanded and grew because people shared patterns and techniques.

    I'm glad you didn't pull your tutorial from your blog.

  6. Good for you for attempting to give credit where credit was due. How can someone get hot under the collar for that?

    You've spawned a lot of great MAM quilts in the last month or so. Good job!

  7. Definitely an honest mistake! Don't fret about it, Patti.

  8. what a great name!!! no worries, I think it's a positive thing in the end showing we all do respect other's ideas and can create our own inspirations!

  9. Hey, Patti, MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY--how was the retreat? I think we need a blow by blow description along with photographic evidence!

  10. Well, you just can't win sometimes.

    I love your Crumb Chaos Blocks and all of your tutorials. I can machine quilts now because you took the time to post a tutorial on Wall Building. Since you showed me the way, I am machine piecing and loving it.

    Bless you......

  11. What an elegant statement for an honest error. Good job!

    I'm going to hire you for my own current bug-a-boo where I needed better words to say than what I said.

  12. Can you believe Elaine said that? I aways get such a kick out of the way she words things! I changed the title of your link on my blog. I think we all have trouble figuring out where an idea comes from. Often it evolves from several bits of inspiration. I am never sure what is rattling around in my brain or where it came from. I am glad your tutorial is still up!

  13. Well, Patti, I think the new name of Crumb Chaos is absolutely perfect! In quantum physics the 'Chaos Theory' is a mathematical attempt to show structure in unpredictable, dynamic systems that seem to lack rationality or logical patterning. The point was to show that there is a resulting pattern, even in chaos, but that the irregular and unpredicatable behaviors that they create continues. So, aptly titled in all ways ;)

  14. Thank you for being a generous soul who shares what she knows and doesn't expect a parade to say how wonderful she is! It is quilter's like you and Mary and many others who make the quilting community the wonderful place it is. I learn daily from you ladies, much more than any book I have paid $$$$ for.
    Some day, people will realize that you can't reinvent the quilt.........its been around longer than we have and if it can be done, someone did it a long time ago. Sharing what we know, is something we can all do. Looking forward to some "Crumb Chaos Blocks" soon.

  15. Patti...I just have to say that you handled this beautifully! I love the tone of your posting, your word choices and I think you are just the greatest :) I have been thinking about this topic a great deal since receiving my "communication"...perhaps
    "stewing" about it would be a better verb to use.
    However, on to more edifying was the retreat?!?! What did you work on??

  16. Patti, I think I was out of town when the "to-do" hit about your tutorial. All I can say is I love the many things you share on your blog and never feel that you intentionally give out any erroneous or self-serving info. Keep doing what you do. You ARE appreciated.

  17. Crikey Patti! Sorry if you were upset over someone who clearly didn't express herself very kindly. You were trying to do the right thing! Hope you really enjoyed your retreat and reflect on that and not your honest mistake :)

    As you can see from all the comments, you have a lot of supporters :)

  18. Ah Patti...I agree with Lily and with Mary. You took the high road and handled something beautifully with someone who was very unkind herself. Being unkindly emailed at 8am by someone was bad enough, but I couldn't stand someone speaking about your overly innocent actions that way. Imagine trying to give credit. I'm so happy you did not remove the your name.

    Mary's right about the MAM wording. I have crochet books from 40-50 years ago where the term originated as a way to make super quick afghans. I also have links to 1800's quilts using the crazy quilts and crumb blocks. After all aren't these ladies the founders of all quilt patterns?

  19. My first thoughts were "Good Grief!" but I think everyone has expressed how I feel. Blessings to you!! Now we DO want to hear about the retreat.

  20. Hi Patti
    everything ok?
    tough week at work....
    can't wait to hear about the retreat...and see those all usually get so much done on this inspirational.

  21. So much better to try to give credit and be wrong than not to give credit at all.
    BTW, I just found your site, and love your method. I've made crumb blocks before, but not with a strip method, just with a lot of crumbs. I was going to say my old method uses up crumb faster, but then I thought about it, and your way looks so much faster that I might get throgh more crumbs with it after all! Thanks for sharing. The photos really help me know exactly how to do this. Great job!
