
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

To show you how serious I am about this . . .

I decided I'm not going to wait for a specific date or post to do some give aways. I know while I'm sorting and filing that I'm going to find some very nice patterns that I'll never use - some of which were quite expensive. Sure, I could sell them on Ebay, but it will be much more fun if I give them away.

So, starting with the previous post - the one about magazines and my filing cabinet - leave me a comment if you want to be in the drawing. At this point I don't know how many names I'll eventually draw because I don't know how many things I'll find to give away. I'll be posting while I'm sorting, and comments on any posts I write during this process will count. I'll toss your name in for every comment you make. I wonder how many things I can find to give away. Hopefully I won't go broke on postage LOL!

Here are the first three I've found:

The Wedding Star, a foundation pieced pattern by Judy Niemeyer. Enough foundations are included for a quilt 54" square. Instructions are included for other, larger sizes.

Mexican Tiles, a 50" square applique quilt featuring sunflowers

The Happy Rick Rack Quilt designed by Karen Stone. Foundation pieced 64"x78" quilt. Foundation papers are included for the quilt.


  1. I would love to be in the drawer!

  2. Ok, I want in too
    I love the pattern happy rick rack, would love to make that!!!!
    thanks patti!

  3. Yippee!!!!!!! Something going on in blogland that we "lurkers" who remain blogless can get in on! I am quite a sight dancing around and would be happy to be included in the pattern drawing. Thanks for welcoming ALL of us, Patti.

  4. I am not interested in any of these, but...

    I have a pattern by the company that made Mexican Tiles... Worse yet, I have a KIT that is still waiting... (I liked they way that they kitted it so much that I bought a pack of their Green & Red to do it again! NUTS! I got as far as making a cat - pattern by someone else & I was going to combine them, but the scale was wrong & so it is back on the simmer spot.)

  5. I'm so "in"! I'd love any of these patterns...most especially the rick-rack design. So funky!(in all the best ways of course! LOL)

  6. This is a great idea for recycling patterns! I'll have to keep checking back.

  7. Just read your previous post about all the magazines and patterns. I could have written it. Good use of your non-sewing time though. And while you are going through this mountain of paper you will be newly inspired.

  8. I would love to be included in the draw for any of the patterns esp. for the wedding stars pattern please. I have to say I have not enjoyed selling on Ebay, swapping or giving away is much easier and you don't have the stress of non-payers and negative feedback LOL

    Hope you arm is getting better day by day because I'm sure in your sorting you'll come across a few projects you will just 'have to' do!

  9. I'd like in, too, please! I'm reasonably new to quilting, so am also still in the patternpatternpattern stage (and I love that Mexican Tiles qult!).

  10. I love reading your blog! I hope you feel better soon - take care of yourself. I love collecting patterns too. Sometimes I stare at the picture long enough to actually start them. LOL!

  11. You are using the time needed to recoup from your injury wisely! If you can't sew at least you can organize your supplies/patterns and dream of what you will make next. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  12. Patti - Please add me to the pot. I have more patterns than I'll ever use, but I don't think a girl can have too many. Kind of like fabric - is there such a thing as too much? ;o)

  13. Fun drawing! I would love to enter. I'll bet a lot of winners would be willing to pay for postage if you asked...or if you don't want to ask directly you can set up a "tip jar" through PayPal and winners can voluntarily contribute. Just an idea. :)

  14. Hi Patti,
    I love your blog. It is one of the first quilting blogs I started reading a month or so ago. Now I read about 50 a week. Sure hope your shoulder heals soon. I know how hard it is on a quilter to not be able to quilt.

  15. Oh, what fun! Please add me to your drawing.


  16. Hi, Patti, it was fun to see these three patterns; will you be showing more? I really enjoy seeing them. Hope you feel better.

  17. I, too, have the wedding stars pattern. The Mexican Tiles one is intriguing. As for you previous post, I only have a subscription to Quilting Arts magazine and QNM. I get American Quilter as part of my membership with AQS.

  18. Wow -- I am really impressed! Ok, so maybe this is making me feel a bit bad about my purchases tonight at guild...

  19. Hi Patti - please count me in for the first 2 - I already have the rick-rack pattern. Don't know whether you know this but your blog has a write-up in our British P&Q magazine this month. They love it and you may be getting a few more English visitors !

  20. Hope you feel better soon! I'll would love to be in the drawing!

  21. Oh Wow, sounds very generous.
    Count me in please.
    I've never seen a 'rick rack' quilt before, it looks unusual.

  22. this is great idea!

    I love that rick rack pattern -- stunning!

  23. Patti,

    Please add my name to your drawing ... what fun.

  24. I would like to enter the drawing, too!! How creative!!

  25. Oh my, you have good taste in patterns. Thank you for offering them to your readers ;c)

  26. Oh, Patti, I'm behind in reading blogs. Can you throw my name in the hat? And can you rig it so I get the Karen Stone pattern?

  27. WoW! I love that Karen Stone pattern too! I have never seen it before. Have you made one already?

  28. I like to read your blog. Congratulations on making the 100.

  29. Boy, you weren't kidding about first names and names...This is one 'l' Michele in Salem...With Heart and Hands and like at least two of the 'other' Michele's my heart jumped when it saw the rick rack paper piecing pattern. Throw my name in the, just who are these others using my name...ha!

  30. I enjoy reading your blog!

  31. I'd like the chance to have my name in the draw for the Mexican Tiles please.

  32. I enjoy reading your blog. Such a good idea to share with others. I would love to be in the drawing for the Rick Rack Quilt. I love Karen Stone & Judy Niemeyer.
