
Saturday, September 29, 2007

More Giveaways

I've gone through most of my magazines, and have filed away about 75% of the things I've saved. I'm very happy with that progress, as I'll be able to finish easily tomorrow.
I have two more patterns to give away. I must have gone through a phase where I was buying a lot of foundation patterns. These are two more good ones. Leave me a comment if you'd like to be in the drawing for one of these.

Lady Liberty - 52" square - designed by Karen Stone

Indian Orange Peel - 63" square - designed by Karen Stone
I imagine I will have a few more to post within the next few days. Stay tuned as I finish cleaning out my filing cabinet.
I still have one tall stack of magazines left. I didn't realise there would be so many that I don't what to rip apart. I have a whole bunch of beautiful Australian Country Threads magazines, as well as other Australian magazines. Those don't seem to contain nearly as many ads as American magazines. Then there are all the McCalls Vintage Quilts magazines. And all the Quilt Samplers - I have every one of those. Plus others I think. I will go through those one more time tomorrow. I need to make a trip to Office Depot to get some of the clear acrylic magazine holders so I can stand them up on the shelves. Much easier to find what I want that way!


  1. count me in!!!!!, Pick me,pick me!!!!!
    these are patterns I have always wanted to make.
    I love them both!!!!
    and woujld never be able to do them without the pattern!

  2. Please consider me too! I love those patterns especially Indian Orange Peel. Thank you.

  3. Karol-ann wants the Indian Orange Peel, I'd love either, but especially the Lady Liberty! See? It all works out in the perfect world, lol.

    Please place my name in the drawing. You empty your space...I fill mine. It's all good.

  4. Keep up the great work...and count me soooooo IN!!

  5. Please don't enter me in the drawing -- but just wanted to comment how great it is that you're cleaning and passing along patterns that others will love! (Hugs)

  6. Ooooh, Patti, I'd LOVE to win either of these patterns! NYB is my Ultimate Someday quilt project!
    Jeanne :)

  7. WoW! These are two great patterns. Are you sure you want to give them away! The New York Beauty pattern by Karen Stone is a winner!

    Happy sewing! Keep resting that arm!

  8. Ok, ok you twisted my arm with the Indian Orange Peel-lol. I would love to be drawing. Thanks for doing this-it's lots of fun!


  9. OOooooh pretty patterns! Can I be put in the draw as well?

  10. that would be fun, to make one of the Karen Stone patterns - Great idea to gave them away
    Greetings Brigitte (beadtex)

  11. I'd like any or either....Please, pretty please? Love that you want to share. I've never paper pieced, but it's on my list of techniques to try this year.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. Hi patti,
    I haven't been reading the blogs much this past month as I am a teacher and haven't found much time to get on the computer to catch up on my blog reading. I saw that your having these lovely draws and I immediately wanted to enter your giveaway. I don't have a blog but do love reading them when I get the opportunity.
    I think all your patterns look interesting and I have been a fan of Judy Niemayer and Karen Stone for a long time. Thanks for sharing and maybe I will be one of the lucky ones.
    Regards from a western canadian quilter,

  13. I love them both, and The Australian Country magazines, is this a dream?
    Thank U

  14. I don't wan't either pattern, but if you want to make either quilt for me...

  15. I hope it is not to late to get into the give away. If not please add my name.

  16. Patti - thanks so much for offering the patterns. I love Karen Stone's work.
    Connie H.

  17. I would love to be in the drawing for the orange peel and the lady liberty. If it is not too late!

  18. Love all the recent posts about magazines and keeping endless things that we never will have the chance to make. I keep very little now and just the ones I really think I will make.

    Love the quilt kit you got! Just fabulous!

  19. I love both of these patterns from Karen - her designs are my favorites. It is my quilting dream to someday take a class with her!

  20. Please count me in too! The lady liberty pattern has captured my interest. :)

  21. I'd love to be entered into the drawing for the Lady Liberty!

  22. I have always wanted to try these, please count my in too!
