
Saturday, September 15, 2007

The best laid plans . . . .

I'm a person who likes to know what is happening from day to day. If I plan things and something disrupts those plans I'm not a happy camper. That's the "J" part of my "INFJ" personality.

Yesterday I left work early because I just wasn't feeling well. I'd not been home even an hour before I really started to feel lousy. I will spare you all the grisly details - you don't want to know - but the last straw was me rolling out of bed onto the hardwood floor, smacking my entire right side. In no time at all I could tell I'd hurt my shoulder. I couldn't lift my arm away from my body at all.

Well, I just got back from urgency care. X-rays are inconclusive as far as they can tell at the moment. they need to be read by a radiologist. My care giver sees what looks like a crack at the top of my arm bone where it joins the shoulder but she isn't sure. The physicians assistant dealing with trauma walk ins wasn't sure either. So here I am with my arm in a sling, shot full of drugs, and waiting for a radiologist to read the X-ray. That may be tomorrow or it may be Monday. In the meantime my arm is immobilized. I didn't make it to the guild Sew Along last night. I have strict instructions to do NO quilting! I can't even think of touching Gandalf, my long arm. I called Cher and told her I couldn't quilt her top. I have another customer quilt that needs to be done by the 25th - time will tell whether or not that's going to happen. At least the rest of the customer quilts have no deadline.

Gone are my hopes of doing the first customer quilt, a charity quilt, and the 4 tops of my own that I stitched backing for on Thursday evening. No hand quilting on Fireworks. Nothing but pain and boredom. Right now I'm looking at the silver lining - at least the shoulder wasn't dislocated. And since I can't drive do I can't work I might be able to catch up on blogs. Won't be commenting much however, as I'm sure I shouldn't be typing.


  1. I am so sorry to hear of your mishap. I know exacatly how you feel. I am just on the recovery and starting to do more and more. You will be in my prayers.

  2. I'm so sorry you're hurting. Hope it is an easy fix and you'll be back to quilting in no time.

  3. Ouch! I hope your arm/shoulder isn't hurt too bad. But now you can watch the Mariners, can't you?

  4. Oh Patti, bless your heart. Hope they decide what's wrong and that you will soon be good as new. This is just no fun! I'm sending good thoughts to you :)

  5. Patti, I'm so sorry! I'm at the "can't touch the longarm" point in my recovery...I can feel your pain! I hope your arm isn't too bad and you're back to normal in no time.

  6. eww, Patti, I'm so sorry to hear of your fall. Ouch! I hope its not to bad and you will recover quickly. Make sure that you follow the doctor's advice, don't worsen things.

  7. Oh my goodness!!! I hope you are okay. Take care -- and Radiologist don't always know from X-rays either. When I broke my ankle I had three different readings from different Radiologists - it was the CT scan that showed was really wrong. Take Care!!!

  8. Oh my - I hope the injury turns out to be non-serious and that you are quickly mended. Enjoy your reading and rest that arm *s*

  9. Oh no Patti! So sorry to hear you've injured yourself. Time to catch up on some movies I think! Take care :)

  10. Oh no, Patti - just follow doctor's orders and hopefully it'll be fine in no time! Take care :-)

  11. Ouch, Patti - it sounds painful. Hopefully, the pain will be manageable and you'll have lots of time to plan Projects in your mind, unless you have a good book to read or DVD's to watch. Take care and follow the doctor's orders.

  12. Oh dear, I do hope it's better soon. Take care and heed all the good advice while you do your best to relax and enjoy the rest.

  13. Patti, how frustrating. Hope it's not really cracked so it will mend faster but take it easy in the meantime. This too shall pass.

  14. Sorry for your mishap. Hope it turns out to be less serious than a cracked bone. Take care.

  15. Sorry, take care and I hope that it is not to serious. I will be praying for a speedy recovery!!!

  16. Oh, I'm sorry read about your arm! Hope it's nothing that can't be healed in a snap! Take care and be well!

  17. This has not been a good year for you as far as falling goes. Relax and take good care of yourself! Hope you recover quickly.

  18. So sorry to hear about your injury. I can so empathise with you. One of my fears is something happening to keep me from quilting. Perish the thought! You must be going crazy. My best thoughts and wishes are with you. I hope you have a very speedy recovery.

  19. Oh Patti....I'm sending healing thoughts your way. I know there is only so much you can read or so many baseball games you can watch before going stir crazy. Take care... hope you feel better soon!

  20. Oh, owie! I'm adding my thoughts to the above, hoping you are soon mended and sewing again.

  21. Oh, Patti! I am so sorry about your injury. I hope you mend quickly.

  22. Oh Patti...I just find you again and you're hurting. So sorry. I can feel some of your pain. It's so tough to finally have the time to do what you want...and to not be physically able to do it. Get well very soon.

  23. Patti, so sorry. Hope it turns out to be an easy fix!

  24. Cher told me about your mishap before I read your post since she was headed "off at the pass" Saturday morning and home rather than your house. Fingers crossed that it is NOT fractured. Apparently you can still read and type for bloggerland detail or they might as well told you to crawl into bed and stay there. I guess we will find out what a quilter finds to do when given "orders from Headquarters"

  25. How frustrating - hope the injury doesn't turn out to be too serious (or painful!)

  26. Ouch! That sounds so painful Patti. Take some time out for you and rest up.

  27. Glad the arm isn't broken. Too bad you couldn't have hurt something that would have kept you out of work but still allowed you to keep quilting!

  28. Sorry to read your news. All the best for a speedy recovery!
