
Sunday, August 26, 2007

A much needed break from CC blocks

I had a chance to catch up on reading my Yahoo groups emails yesterday, and was horrified to discover that I was second lady in waiting on the UFO queens list. This is NOT a good thing - I do NOT want to be queen. My last UFO finish was back on May 7th. Right after that I started concentrating on sewing up scraps instead of finishing up UFO's, and that put me in my current plight. Every time I finish a UFO my name drops back to the bottom of the list. If I should become queen I must write a post telling all about myself and my quilting and answer a bunch of questions, and I must also finish a UFO within one week's time. If I fail I must send in a fat quarter to the keeper of the fabric. It's not that I can't spare a fat quarter - I certainly can! I just want to keep the pledge I made to myself that I'd finish lots of UFO's and would never come close to being queen. Too late to keep that pledge completely, but I can keep from becoming queen.

So - since I finished quilting the minkee quilt for my friend Lanny my machine was empty at the moment. I figured I could find something small that I could quilt very quickly and still have time to quilt my other customer quilt this afternoon. This Christmas table runner was perfect - especially when I discovered that I'd already started the quilting. I must have had to remove it from the machine in order to do a customer quilt. I was amazed to see that it took me just over an hour to finish all the quilting. I've now finished machine stitching the binding and will do the hand stitching during the ball game this evening.
The blocks in this table runner are from teaching precision piecing in the early 1990's. I have two more table runners to quilt that are almost identical to this one. I decided I didn't want to make more blocks and I didn't want a little Christmas quilt, so making them into table runners was a perfect solution.

Lesson learned - I'm sure there are LOTS of tops in my flimsy stack like this that would quilt up very quickly. I think it's time to balance scrap sewing with quilting and get back to finishing UFO's.
1. A wonderful Saturday spent with quilty friends
2. A gentle breeze blowing through the trees
3. A good meeting with my boss on Friday
4. Perfectly ripe Italian prunes
5. A cutting table that doesn't move when I lean against it!


  1. I quess this not the sort of crown that you want to wear--Queen of the UFO's! Nice finish to keep you away fron the honour! I think we all have projects sitting in our UFO piles that would take very little to finish. It often makes me wonder why on earth I stopped working on something when I was so close to finishing it.

  2. You'll doit, you'll get a finish in before you are crowned!
    Sounds like you had a great time in Canby.

  3. Your Saturday with your quilty friends sounds like the PERFECT day!!! I am amazed at your willpower. I don't think I could have gone to two quilt shops and not bought something. I love your Christmas runner. I'm trying to find a good holiday runner to teach for a class so I've especially been interested in runner ideas.
