
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A moment of insanity

A huge thank you to Finn, Mary, and Wendy for letting me know you couldn't get to my blog. It is now fixed - which you will know if you are reading this. Here is what happened . . .
I created a private blog for my Tangled Threads group to use for between meetings communication. None of them had been bitten by the blog bug, but they heard me talk about blogs so often that they decided we should have one for ourselves. They have all jumped in with both feet and have fallen in love with this way of communicating. It's especially great for someone who has had to miss a meeting. Anyway - our meeting was at my house last night, and some of them asked me to show them how to upload a picture to the blog. After doing that I showed them a few other things, like how to add information to the side bar. I brought up my blog to show them what the sidebar looked like there. I also showed them the permission settings and the invitation feature. Well . . . you can probably guess what happened. I got mixed up on which settings page I was looking at. I thought I was looking at the Tangled Threads permissions setting page, and noticed the "Anybody" spot was checked. I wondered how it got changed, and changed it right back because I know the ladies want ours kept private. So when I read my email this morning I discovered right away what happened - I changed the privacy settings on the wrong blog.

Eveything is back to normal now - thanks for the heads up. The pictures shows us Threads hard at work having fun at the meeting last night.


  1. Your group looks like they are having a great time.

  2. Patti, I just created a family blog so I know what you mean, I have to make sure I know which of the 3 blogs I'm in when I'm changing settings. I haven't limited the blog to only approved readers because we have a bunch of family out there that might be reading and not contributing but I made sure it's not listed anywhere so without the web address - no one can find it.

  3. Oh what fun! and that is too funny about you setting it on the wrong blog.

  4. Hi Patti, thanks for the invite...LOL! And so happy I took it seriously..LOL
    What a grand idea to set up a private one for the is such a neat way to reach our to each other..*VBS* I'd be lost with you, I know!!
    Glad you liked what was in your little prize package..*VBS* Have fun with it. Hugs, Finn

  5. A special group blog! That is such a fantastic idea. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Everyone looks like they are having a good time and what a great idea to set up a private blog for your friends. How funny to get them mixed up and changing the wrong one.

  7. You ladies are all having such a great time, I can tell. I'm sorry you had such a time with the blogs - glad it's all back to normal now.

  8. What a cute picture of you! You look like you're right in your element. (And please tell me it's not so cool at your house that you can leave the door open in the evening....)

  9. Now doesn't that look like a FUN group!!
