
Sunday, August 26, 2007

Mission accomplished - another finished UFO

I did it - I finished the Christmas table runner - label and all. I took the last stitch in the binding during the 8th inning Mariner loss to the Texas Rangers. I really like how this turned out. I did a freehand holly leaf and berry chain all around the outside border, and freehand holly leaves and berries in the white setting triangles. I figured holly leaves were simple enough that I couldn't mess them up. It feels so good to cross another flimsy off my sidebar, as well as avoiding becoming queen of the UFO's.

Now I must put my own projects aside for quite awhile. I've promised to sew muslin sleeves on all the antique quilts in the collection belonging to The End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. My son-in-law is lead historian and interpreter for the Center and he asked whether I'd be willing to do this. I jumped at the chance, as it will allow me to check out these antique gems in minute detail. I will take pictures of them as I work on them. I've forgotten how many there are - at least 12 I think. I have 4 on the dining room table right now, including a log cabin from the 1850's. They are hanging them all for a display at the beginning of October so the sleeves must be completed by then. Lots of hand stitching - good thing I really enjoy that!


  1. What a priveledge to be allowed to work on historical pieces. I would be afraid to in case I did something wrong.
    Your Christmas table runner looks great.

  2. How great to have the chance to really get 'up close and personal' with those old quilts. Enjoy :)

  3. That will be really neat to work on old quilts like that, what fun :) I’ll have to go and see the display when it is up, I have been to the interpretive center, it is a really neat place!

    Your table runner is very pretty too. It feels so good to cross of UFO’s and move them to the finished list!

  4. You did it!

    Next time I go to the Interpretive Center I'll have even more interest in the quilts knowing you played a part in their display. I didn't know your SIL is the lead historian and interpreter. Wow.

  5. Another UFO down! Good job. What a neat project you have with the antique quilts, what a joy to get your hands on those pieces.

  6. Your table runner is wonderful! But how cool to see those quilts up close! Very fun!

  7. Hi Patti, congratulations on dropping back to the bottom of the list! good think you checked!!!!! LOL.......neat table runner and best of all, one more thing done!
    Cute Sophie pictures, she's soooo adorable makes me ache with granddaugther enby...*VBS* And all I can about the M.A.M. blocks is wow! are in a class all by yourself.
    So happy you had such a lovely day with the quilty girls!! Hugs, Finn

  8. What a cheery Christmas table runner! It's beautiful.
    I'm in the same boat.... have to put my projects aside and work on some other people's quilts right now. Think I'll find something I can reward myself with when I'm done. =)
    I can empathise with your reading blog dilemma. I've been discovering so many wonderful blogs.... there is just no way I can keep up with them all AND have any quilty related things to blog about myself. Don't be too hard on yourself. ;-)

  9. What an exciting honor to do this work for display of the quilts. I bet the inspiration you find in them will just about be endless.

  10. I just sucked in all the air in the room reading of the antique quilts you will be touching! How exciting..I can not wait to see the pictures!

  11. Love your table runner. That is great you can help out with the antique quitls!

  12. muchas gracias ,tus trabajos me fueron de mucha utilidad carmen de uruguay sud america
