
Saturday, June 16, 2007


Seeing all the stitchery going on and getting the transfers in the mail has spurred me to get out a couple redwork towels for my kitchen. I made these days of the week towels several summers ago. They were great handwork for camping trips that summer. They aren't for show only - seems like whenever I put them out on the oven door they eventually get used. We always have a few dishes to wash as my Calphalon pots and pans aren't dishwasher proof. These look like they could use a good pressing, but I decided to take a picture of them for posting anyway. I won't do the new ones in redwork - instead I'll use lots of different thread colors, just as I did when I was a child.

I'm going to be needing some longarm thread very soon - and it looks like Checkers sells flour sack dish towels. Time to polish up my stitchery skills!


  1. I love your Redwork!!! It is so very nice :)))

  2. Very cute. In the late 50's people did embroidery to embellish items that were plain. My grandmother's pillow cases were all hand embroidered. My mother also has pillow cases that she embellished. I like plain white cotton towels for the kitchen myself, however they are hard to find. Your embroidery adds a nice personal touch to your decor! Thanks for sharing!

  3. How cute! When we escaped for 2 nights last week, I itched for something small to do. I needed to do the hand sewing part of binding a queen sized quilt, but who wants to drag that amount of extra stuff on a camping trip. Your towels are the ideal solution.

  4. Oooh, aren't they cuuuuute!

    I just love them, Patti !

    Biiiig hugs & smiles,

  5. Oh, Patti, thanks for the memories! My grandmother taught me to embroider on flour sack towels (she had a grocery store attached to the house), pillowcases, hankies, etc. She wouldn't let me play in the sun from noon until 3:00pm and insisted that I stay busy - I spent many, many hours sitting on the sidewalk in front of her store with my hoop!
    Your redwork towels are darling!

  6. They are just darling. I love Day of the Week towels - another thing Grandma made in abundance for her church bazaar. I wish I still had a set or two. I do have a set of applique towels that are safely tucked into the cedar chest. I may just have to jump on the bandwagon and stitch a set of towels for myself *s*

  7. OOH! I want to order some towels too!!! Yes, this stitchery bug is biting HARD.

  8. Isn't stichery fun? It is so easy to pick up and put down. I just placed a book on hold from the library about redwork so I am looking forward to more projects.

  9. They are really cute. Glad you are using them

  10. But the pots are so easy to wash, who cares? I love them. They are my husband's, since he is the cook, but it surely makes clean-up, which I sometimes do, much easier and faster! Cute little design on your towels.

  11. So cute! I'm happy to see that stitchery is back in style. It never went out of style for me - whenever I go antique-ing, I always look for embroidered towels.
    I also enjoy making them, and you've got me enthused to do so. I better get busy! ;-)

  12. Hi Patti, so happy the redwork towels come out to be admired..*VBS* You did a lovely job. The new transfers are just adorable...they will make such cute dishtowels.
    I've never quit embroidering, it was my first needle 'skill', and I do love the look of it of any vintage. Hugs, Finn
