
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Orphan top almost finished

I couldn't believe it when I discovered that I had enough orphan blocks and parts that I could make two quilt tops! I could have made one queen size top, but I wanted this for our tent trailer. Our sleeping bags are now 37 years old, the down is almost nonexistent in places, and most of the time we camp it's too warm for down sleeping bags anyway. Now we'll finally be able to toss them because we'll have two orphan block quilts instead - one for each bed. I'll put wool batting in them so they'll be warm when needed and cooler when needed - I just love wool batting!

Here is the first top - all finished except for the borders. I'm going to work on getting the second top together before I put borders on either one because there are still orphan blocks all over the sewing room. I love the way this looks - in spite of the fact that so many of the colors are so much brighter than fabrics I work with these days. It feels so good to be making something out of all these bits and pieces - and it feels especially good to get them out of the boxes and drawers in my sewing room!

Hopefully by this time tomorrow I'll have a second top to share - that's my plan anyway!


  1. What a pretty ... everything! Lovely 4th decorations, amazing orphan quilt, etc. Thanks for all your photos.

  2. Wow - it looks great. Isn't it amazing what wonderful things you can build with leftovers? *s*

  3. What a wonderful orphan top! Isn't it amazing how many bits and pieces we hang onto--in your case enough pieces for two tops! It sounds like you are puttling them to good use!

  4. Fabulous top! Who knows, maybe it will be a signal to another quilter when you are camping out, and you will make a new friend! Love the dishes down in the next post, too.

  5. Your orphan train quilt looks like you had planned on using them together all along! What a great quilt. Can't wait to see the other one.

  6. Hi Patti, your new quilt top is just fabulous! I love the happy, bright and casual look it has. Like it's never seen a miserable day in it's whole life..*VBS* And how great that you can make two quilts and be all decked out when you go camping. Congratulation...I do believe you will be the first to have a new orphan quilt completed...way to go!!!, you overachiever you...Big hugs, Finn

    I snitched a picture to use on Monday...I have one via email for tomorrow.

  7. It's super wonderful. You did great.

  8. How wonderful to get 2 whole quilts out of all those pieces living in boxes in your sewing room!

    Looks good!

  9. How cool did that turn out!?! I love it, Patti! And it will be a perfect tent trailer quilt, so happy and joyful! Look forward to seeing the other one as well :o)

  10. Patti it really is fantastic! And I hope your weekend was as perfect as you imagined :)

  11. Super fantabulous quilt! You'll have the best dressed camp beds in the world.

  12. Who would have thought you could make such a gorgeous quilt from orphan blocks. I gave all mine to my guild to make a car cozy to advertise our quilt show.

  13. Glad to know that I am not the only one who makes quilts for the trailer! When I did the first one, everyone I mentioned it to thought that I was nuts to do that much work to use when camping.

  14. Wow, Patti, TWO tops from orphans, that's awesome!! Love your top, and what a perfect use for it, for your camping trips. :) Wonderful job! Can't wait to see the next one. :D

  15. Love the top...and you should be the hit of the campground with bed covering like that in the tent camper!!!

  16. Patti! You are a wonder! You say you're going to accomplish something, and by golly, you do! Your "orphans" look wonderful together! And, isn't it fun to see the fabrics you sewed with in the past? Nice memories!
    I can't wait to see what you do with the other orphans. If you have enough left over for ANOTHER orphan, I would be more than happy to adopt it! LOL!!!
    AND, the Mariners won again last night - WOOHOO!!!! Let's see what they do today!

  17. Patti you are just amazing...that top is wonderful! You could write a book on how to put orphan blocks together.

  18. I love your Orphan top. You make me wish that I had been quilting long enough to have some Orphan blocks. I may just have to make some Orphan blocks!! *S*

  19. That's so neat. And I like that you're making them for your camping trips. Can't wait to see the other. So far I have found two orphan blocks :-). Maybe there are more, I was so sure I didn't have any at all.

  20. What a great quilt top, and wonderful use for your sets of orphans. I love the way the colors come together and what a great feeling to be using what you've accumulated!

    Love your decorations for the 4th!

  21. I think it turned out great! Nice job.
