
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Finally some progress . . .

This morning I actually loaded a charity quilt for Hotel Hope on the longarm and got it quilted. This bargello quilt top was made from a UFO that one of the guild members donated to the cause. She made the top years ago when she lived in Alaska and had little access to fabric. Years later she decided she hated it and would never finish it as the colors weren't her colors at all. Another guild member added the borders around the bargello area and then the blocks across the top and bottom to make it long enough for the bed. I love the way this turned out - the blocks she added compliment the center nicely. I quilted it in a simple meander so it didn't take all that long.

When I finished this one I loaded a second top - this one is a Chinese coin variation done all in 30's reproduction fabrics with a piano key border. The back is also pieced from large squares of 30's fabrics. I really like this one because it is so light and spring-like. I'm doing a butterfly pantograph which also makes me think of spring. I'll post a picture of that one when it is finished - hopefully by tomorrow night!

I got a nice call from my son just before noon with Mother's Day wishes from all three of them. Then Rick and Rebecca came over about 4:00. We went to a speciality pizza place downtown - they have the best pizza around! - and then played Hand and Foot. The ladies won, which was nice for Mother's Day - but only because Fred missed playing a crucial card which would have ended the second round and prevented us from collecting an additional 1500-2000 points. Since the spread at the end of the game was a close 510 points we would have lost if he'd not made this crucial mistake.

I hope all you mothers in blogland had a wonderful day - whether you are mothers of two legged creatures or dogs and cats or have a DH who needs a lot of mothering. It was a very lovely day here. Tomorrow it's supposed to get up to above 80 - a sure sign that we are approaching the middle of May.


1. Wireless connection for the laptop
2. A special Starbucks breakfast
3. A nice Mariners victory over the hated Yankees
4. The yummy smell of a roast in the crockpot
5. A new hanging flower basket from my kids



  1. The bargello quilt looks wonderful! Thanks for beating the Yankees!!

  2. Great progress! Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

  3. I think the bargello quilt is wonderful and cool about it's story. Now it will find a loving home!

  4. Thanks for sharing the picture of the bargello chairity quilt. Quite often the bargello quilts that we make in classes are wall hanging size. I would have never thought of adding such creative blocks to make the wall hanging into a bed size quilt. I am sure Hotel Hope will really appreciate this one! It sounds like you had a great Mother's Day!

  5. Lovely quilt. It is hard to see that two different quilters made this top. It all blends together very nicely!

  6. I am not sure "Finally Some Progress" is the right title for that blog. You made progress yesterday. Since you were working on what you were inspired to do you actually got more accomplished than you would if you had done something else.

    An now both things are done.

    I am intrigued by your little pieces. I have a basket of them left over from making flying geese. One of my quilting friends gave me a bag of hers. I have the quilt all ready started in my head. It will be interesting to see if we are thinking along the same lines.

    Perhaps I will tell Hanne what my plans are so that you will not think that I always copy you...VBG (even though I do get many wonderful ideas from you)

  7. Such a nice thing to see cast-offs combined to make a lovely quilt for someone who needs one!!

  8. What a pretty quilt! It looks great. :)

    I am glad you had such a wonderful Mother's Day! And your Rhodies look beautiful in your last post. I am so glad we are having this warm sunny weather. I got the garden planted on Saturday the seeds will love the heat!

  9. Those are great gratitudes!

    Bargello is a lot of action for relatively small amount of work. Beautiful. I'd like to see your Chinese coin. I'm working on an African coin. I'm intrigued with the piano key border.

  10. That will be a very nice charity quilt - someone will really appreciate it I'm sure.

    Happy Mothers Day to you!

    It is very warm here today - hopefully it is a sign of good weather to come - and the end of rain :))
