
Monday, March 5, 2007


Thanks, everyone, for your concerned comments. I really appreciated them! My finger is healing nicely so far. I'm down to a real bandaid and more or less typing with 10 fingers. I finished pressing all the scraps last night and started cutting them. Didn't have any trouble holding the ruler steady, but noticed I have my hand way away from the edge. I'm not using a ruler larger than 6 1/2" by 12 1/2" so it's easy to keep it steady with my entire hand. I found a place to order the protective glove so will get that done as soon as I figure out what size to order. My mother would have called that "locking the barn door after the horse is stolen", but I say better late than never.

I'm planning on cutting scraps all evening so should have some pictures for you then.

1. Warm spring weather
2. Crocus and daffodils blooming everywhere
3. Forsythia bushes ready to burst into bloom
4. Rebecca and Rick are now at the very top of the adoption list!!!!
5. Less than two weeks until quilt retreat!



  1. OUCH! I am so sorry this happened!

  2. The glove is a great idea . . . better late than never *s*

  3. Well now see! I read the previous post before I read this one! Good for you. Mind sharing the link and what size you get?

    Glad you are feeling better!

  4. Glad to know your finger is better. I enjoyed having you with me this weekend in my studio. You were right there when I cut my first scraps. Not much to show yet but soon.

  5. I will love to hear all about the adoption plans! We had two biological children..and then adopted a baby boy from Korea. He is the light of our lives (and gray hair giver too!) What an exciting time! I'm have been watching Spring training games on TV..the season starts! YIPPPEEEE Glad your finger is getting better..

  6. So glad your finger is healing nicely. YIPPEE! Another grandbaby soon!

  7. Well, it would seem that you can not discourage a determined quilter! There you are, healing from your injury, and you are back at it!

  8. great news Patti, I finally cleared my area and can get back to cutting myself.
