
Friday, March 16, 2007

I am SO happy!

I'm sure some of you can relate - I just can't help sharing my joy. I finished paying off our auto loan with my paycheck yesterday! That means only two more loans to go - about 10 months on the longarm and 15 months on the house and then we are completely out of debt! (Knock on wood!) This goal is one of my main reasons for that "fabric diet" badge on my sidebar.

Linda, this post for an explanation of "HSY" and "flimsy". I always answer questions in comments when I can reply by email, but rarely when I can't. Please everyone, if you want answers to the questions you ask in your comments please make sure you are set up so your email address displays in your profile. Click "edit profile" and make sure there is a check in the box that says "show my email address". Even if you don't want to keep a blog you can register with Blogger so your email address is accessible.

1. A silvery thin crescent moon in the early morning sky
2. Fridays!
3. Hot tea with milk
4. A UFO almost completed
5. Sleeping in this morning



  1. congrats on the loan payoff - you are so close and what great motivation with that new grandbaby
    happy friday

  2. Great news Patti,

    I too have 3 loans to be paid before I can retire. I am hoping that will be in 92 weeks.

    I have plenty to keep me stitching without any further purchases.

    Of course, if you keep on showing those lovely quilts you make, I may have to buy a yard or two :>)

  3. I can understand your glee. That is my goal also and exactly why I have been on a fabric diet too. Congrats!!!!!!!!

  4. That is great news...that light is getting brighter and brighter at the end of the retirement tunnel.

  5. If I have a roof over my head and my sewing machine I can make it through anything!!!!

  6. Oh, I so know about the happy dance that will be coming. I'm hoping to have my husband's student loans pay off by 2009. Then we get to start all over with a house loan! ;)

  7. There's no greater freedom than debt freedom! We are down to the house payment and may be able to end that one this year. Congratulations to you!

  8. Fabulous Patti! Retirement will suit you perfectly! It's been great only buying stuff that I actually need to complete a quilt. I'm still going strong too with the no buy!

    I paid off my car last September and I have loved having that money each month to save or pay off something else. I just pay that payment to something else and not the car people! I wish my house was paid off but at least it's the only bill we have!

  9. Congrats on the loan payoff. What a great feeling. And I'm so glad to hear that your finger is healed!

  10. We made our last pickup payment this month. That just leaves the mortgage but we are still at least a decade away from retirement. Congratulations!

  11. I was thinking about posting about the same issue - I'm still getting lots of questions from no-reply addresses. Sometimes I take the time to track people down but for the most part don't. I hate not answering questions but it's too time consuming when there's no email address.

  12. I was thinking about posting about the same issue - I'm still getting lots of questions from no-reply addresses. Sometimes I take the time to track people down but for the most part don't. I hate not answering questions but it's too time consuming when there's no email address.

  13. Congrats on your loan repayment. Having a plan to be debt free is great - and quite an achievement in this day and age. Congrats :)

  14. Congrats - you'll be at retirement, debt-free, before you know it.
