
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Thank you!

So many of you have left such sweet comments about our little Sophie. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love reading every comment each of you leave on my blog - no matter what you are commenting on. So many of you have mentioned how alert she looks - I think that's because we've caught her at the right time. She definitely sleeps a LOT. The first three pictures I posted yesterday were taken by either Jeremy or Chelsea. They are loving this little miracle so much.

I'm finally finding a little time to catch up on my blog reading. When I started I had almost 140 blogs listed in my bloglines! I'm now down to 99 - hooray! I'm trying to leave at least one comment on every blog so you'll know I checked in. It feels like I have so many dear friends to catch up with!

Our daughter has been working incredibly long hours at work - 12 to 15 hours a day including all of last weekend - so we will have dinner with them but won't have the usual game night afterwards. So it's looking like I can spend at least 2-3 more hours on my hourglass blocks tonight. If I manage to toss a whole bunch more up on the design wall I'll take an updated picture.


  1. Congratulations on the new grandchild! Also, I love the hour glasses. My guild is trading 6 inch blocks each month alternating between colors and backgrounds. I am thinking of sewing them into hour glasses and then at the end of the year making a quilt. After seeing yours, this really appeals to me. Thanks for the idea.

  2. Patti, I think it's so great that you and your DH get together with your kids every week. It's especially hard to do when they are grown and takes a little extra effort by everyone but definitely worth it.

    your new granddaughter is beautiful and I love the quilt you made, not really babyish!!

  3. Hope you have fun with your hourglass blocks! And gee - I can tell you sure are having a hard time loving that little sweetheart!

  4. Mmmmm...those hourglass blocks are almost as gorgeous as that babydoll! lol

  5. Pardon my ignorance but can you tell me the difference between the broken dished and the hour glass blocks? I thought the quilt on the bed was your hour glass blocks until I read the text.

  6. playing catch up! love the previous photos of Sophie-they are doing a wonderful job of taking photos..she is surely the most beautiful NEW baby ever...
