
Sunday, February 4, 2007

Super quilting Sunday

I know many people in blogland are tied to their televisions watching the Super Bowl. It's never been a big thing around our house. Even when the Seahawks went last year and I watched the game we didn't do anything party-like. My husband is watching but doing Soduku at the same time as he doesn't really care about the outcome.

All in all, a perfect day to spend quilting. I slept in, then caught up on my email and blog reading. Then I headed upstairs where I loaded a customer quilt onto the machine. She just wanted a big meander so the quilting took half as long as it took to load the quilt. I don't think I've ever finished quilting something so quickly! Then I loaded the other customer quilt I have to do. It's a small one designed by a friend of mine - Kim of Water Pail Designs. This is one of her new patterns so it's very exciting to me - to be asked to quilt a piece that will be photographed for the front of the pattern. It's a primitive design - right up my alley - so I'm having lots of fun quilting it. I have all the piecing quilted, as well as the appliqué on the border. All I have left is the border itself. I need to check out some of my primitive books for border ideas before I go on, and hope that the border begins to talk to me. Update - I got some border ideas from a couple of Ginger Cookie Company books. I finished it tonight. That's two customer quilts for me today - plus one of my own this weekend. This is a longarming record for me! My machine and I become better friends each day!

I need to fix dinner now - low fat oven fries and marinated flank steak and vegetables. Then I'll get back to my quilting. It feels so good to be so caught up on customer quilts. I should be able to load another one of my UFOs tomorrow. I have one with bunny rabbits on it - I think it should be next because it will be perfect for Easter decor.


  1. This blogger wasn't watching the Superbowl. In fact this blogger stitched and stitched and stitched!

  2. Well you had a good productive weekend!

  3. Don't you just love the feeling of getting to know your machine *s*

  4. no super bowl viewing here either - I played with some scrapbooking stuff and did some reading on the couch but we did make guacamole in the afternoon - you can't pass up the great deals on avacados this last week.

  5. Sounds like you moved right along there Patti! Making friends with your machine is a great thing!

  6. Patti, You are on a roll!! Keep up the good work! I watched the game but finished knitting a cute little handbag to be felted and worked on an old UFO crazy quilt block that needs some spiffy stitching!

  7. You are really getting things done.


  8. Way to go Patti, you are really getting things done, what a great feeling.
