
Saturday, January 6, 2007

What do you know - Blogger finally let me post another picture! Here is the back of the Quilt Pink quilt - and you can see where I tore the little hole. This quilt was a really great stashbuster - most of the fabrics are 10-15 years old and older. It took me over an hour to upload the picture of the front in the last post, and this picture of the back absolutely refused to upload. I finally gave up, published the post, and figured this one could come later.

Loyal readers of my blog know that we are expecting two grandchildren this next year, so I thought I'd give you an update on that. Rick and Rebecca are still number ten - they didn't place a single boy last month. They are hoping to place 2-5 boys in January, so keep your fingers crossed for them. Hopefully they'll be making a trip to Guatemala in February or March. As far as Jeremy and Chelsea and little miss Sophie go - the doctor ordered an ultrasound because he felt Chelsea measured smaller than he'd expect for 34 weeks. This was the second week the measurement was on the small size. He said this is usually caused by the baby being in a funny position. So they had the ultrasound yesterday and the technician indicated that the actual measurement of the uterus and fetus was actually larger than expected. Apparently the measurements indicate she's at about 36 weeks rather than 34. It's up to her regular doctor to give the final interpretation, but I'm thinking maybe I need to work even harder on Sophie's Stars than I originally thought!


  1. Oh my! You had better get going then! But you know, those babies have a mind all their own anyway!

  2. We'll keep our fingers crossed--- I love the Pinks----a great quilt.

  3. I love your pink quilt, very soft and feminine. The hearts are a nice added touch.

    Good news on the grandchildren front. I hope both of them arrive safe, sound and beautiful.

  4. Oh, Sophie will be here before you know it*s* How exciting.

  5. Patti - The pink heart quilt is just beautiful, both front and back. I think the heart applique looks like it was meant to be there and "only you" know what it's covering up, well I guess "we know" too, but we won't tell anyone!!

    Now, you must get busy on Sophie's quilt, she's probably anxious to see it and babies don't wait for their quiling grandma's to finish a quilt...

  6. Your poink quilt turned out so well, love the back as well, and if you don't tell why the hearts are there, everyone will just think you are creative and clever!

  7. Your pink heart quilt is BEAUTIFULL. I'm sure it will do well at auction.

  8. sounds like that external motivation might be nudging you to work on Sophie's stars - love the front and the back of the pink quilt too
